Some women, upon getting pregnant, hope for a natural birth.

Generally, this method is less intrusive to the body and is the safest way to deliver a baby – assuming there are no complications, of course.
There are many natural birthing methods available.

One can go for a home birth, a water birth, the Lamaze Method, or even the Bradley Method. With all the choices available, however, many women still opt to give birth in a hospital.
Some women, however, have unexpected birthing experiences.

Take Bailey Traylor Bienek-Phelps, who didn’t expect that she would deliver her fifth child the way she did.
Prior to her due date, Bailey started feeling contractions. As the day progressed, they grew closer and closer together.
Bailey’s water broke at around 10:50 PM.

She woke her husband, Tim, and told him they needed to get to the hospital. Tim immediately got up and started driving Bailey to the hospital in their SUV. He drove as fast as 80 miles per hour.
He wasn’t fast enough, however.

They were still ten miles away from the hospital when Bailey told Tim that he needed to pull over because the baby was coming out now.
Tim pulled over I-94 onto Radio and Inwood drive. It was up to him to help his wife deliver baby number five.
Tim could see that the baby’s head was already out.

“That’s when he looked at me and said, ‘All right, take a deep breath and push.’ I pushed once, and she came out,” Bailey recalled.
However, Tim’s job didn’t end there. He still had to cut the umbilical cord.

He realized that it might take too long for the ambulance to arrive, so he called 911 to assist him. The operator walked him through the process and asked him if he had anything to tie the umbilical cord off.
His eyes scanned around the car to look for anything he could use – and that’s when he had an idea.

Tim decided to take his shoelaces off and use them to tie the umbilical cord until the ambulance could properly escort them to the hospital. Bailey looked at him as if he was crazy – but hey! It worked!

In addition to her basic birth info – born on March 20 at 11:40 PM, weighing 6 pounds and 15 ounces and was 19-1/2 inches long – Ariel Olive Marie Venus Phelps would one day know that her daddy used a shoelace to tie her umbilical cord.
Tim felt like something took over him and helped him stay as calm as possible.

He assisted Bailey like a pro, and both parents are very grateful that everything worked out fine.
Hear more about Bailey and Tim’s story in the video below!
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