One of the most beautiful moments in one’s life is the moment that you find out that you’re going to be a parent.
Finding out that you’re going to be a grandparent is equally, if not more, gratifying knowing that you did such a good job raising your own kid that they are ready to have one of their own.
It is truly a blessing.
That’s why one dad broke down into an emotional puddle when he found out he was going to be a grandpa. And his wife caught the entire thing on video.
The video starts out with the dad saying one of the most dad things you’ve ever heard.
“Alright, I’m opening this,” he says talking to his daughter who will receive the video. “I can’t believe you paid $12.65 for postage!”
Dads… always the frugal and practical ones.
“She wanted to make sure it got here on time,” his wife reassures him.
He didn’t realize at that moment why getting this package in a timely fashion was so important, but he would soon find out. He starts to rip at the package with his man strength sending it flying at one point.

“This is a tough one,” he says grunting while struggling to rip the tape off.
“Want some scissor, honey?” he wife asks.
Of course not! He’s a dad. Dad’s don’t need scissors! He succeeds at ripping the package open on his own.
“Oh my goodness, what do we have here,” the dad said sifting through the box. “We got the good stuff in here! I got sunflower seeds. Whoop whoop! I got Butterfingers, these are not on the diet plan. I got me some Whoppers. Mike and Ikes… yeahhhh. I got some Raisinettes, were going to have a movie tonight. It’s going to be good and I got a green thing.”
His wife explains that one of the green things is for Josh and he makes sure to open the correct green papered package.
“No way!” he says placing his forehead into his palm as tears begin to fall from his eyes.
He looks up at the sky and points up and says “thanks” giving gratitude to God.
Then he gives the camera a thumbs up. After that, he completely loses it and breaks down into a flood of tears like a baby.
“Remember what I told you 26 years ago today on your birthday, pretty cool huh,” his wife says. “Same exact time line. Pretty cool.”

She reminds him that this was the exact day that he found out that he was going to be a father 26 years ago. Now on this day, he learned he was going to be a grandfather.
“God is so great,” he says.
Indeed! As is the birth of a new life coming into this world.
“I love you pumpkin,” he tells the camera. “Praise the lord!”
You can watch this family’s beautiful moment in the video below.
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