Taking care of the needs of little girls doesn’t always come as second nature to dads.
Especially, when mom isn’t around.
But one Bordentown, NJ dad had everything under control.

In his own unique way, of course.
But still, he technically had everything under control.
His wife had gone away for the weekend.

And everything was going smoothly until bathtime was through.
Dad gave his daughters Dylan and Isla a bath and that went according to plan.
It was after bathtime where things went sketchy.

That’s when dad realized he had to blowdry his daughters’ hair.
There was only one problem, the hairdryer was gone.
Mom had taken the only one in the house with her for the weekend.

But dad wasn’t about to let his little girls go around with wet heads.
They could catch a cold!
So, dad quickly hatched a plan. Those heads would get dried if it was the last thing he did.

That meant dad had to head out to either the garage or his shed for his leafblower.
It’s technically a blow dryer, just for leaves.
And when he came back inside, he figured he would record his valiant attempt to dry his daughters’ hair in the absence of the blower dryer.

“My wife Christie went away for the weekend and brought our only hairdryer. After I gave my daughters Dylan and Isla a bath, I had to improvise. They loved it, as you can tell. They asked me to dry their hair with the leaf blower every time they have a bath,” the video’s caption explained
He probably figured that it would make his wife crack up. Little did he know that it would make the rest of the internet crack up too. The video ended up going viral

“This is what happpens when mommy took the hairdryer on the weekend and I just gave the girls a tubby. You ready girls?” dad can be heard saying from off-camera while his daughters stand up against the wall.
They are about ready as they are ever going to be! That’s when dad turns on the blower and the girls start to giggle and squeal with delight.
They absolutely love it! They are having so much fun jumping up and down as dad tries to blow their hair dry. But dad was concentrated on the task at hand. Getting that hair dried! So, that’s why you’ll see the camera veer off a bit.

“Turn around!” he told the girls so he could dry the back of their heads.
The girls didn’t stop having their fun though. They were dancing around through the blown air with little sister following big sister’s lead. But little sister got bold and decided to get up closer to the blower.
She was doing her own thing and having a great time. Check out dad’s clever makeshift hair dyer and these girls having a splendid time in the video below.
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