Don’t play with your food! It’s a lesson we all learned pretty early on in life, right?
Every now and then it’s worth breaking some rules, especially if it means you get a good laugh out of your adorable baby!
Brooklyn’s dad broke this rule and his daughter burst out laughing.
Just look at that little smile!

Brooklyn and her mom were eating dinner with Brooklyn’s dad, Jayson Avner, who uploaded this hilarious video.
It’s an important habit to help foster healthy habits and relationships!
According to HealthlinkBC:
“People of all ages eat better when they share a meal with others. They tend to eat more fruits and vegetables and other nutrient-rich foods. They also eat less pop and fried foods.
“Eating together gives young children the chance to learn more words and how to communicate better.”

Except as they were eating…
“I accidentally had asparagus fall out of my mouth at dinner. Someone found that hilarious.” -Jayson Avner
That someone was of course Jayson’s baby daughter, Brooklyn. She immediately started laughing really hard and
even let out a fart accidentally, making her parents laugh even harder!

This quickly became a back forth game, and Jayson began to put asparagus into his mouth just to drop it again!
It made Brooklyn laugh every time!
See what I mean about sometimes it’s worth breaking the rules? It’s not like Brooklyn was getting all of her food in her mouth anyway!

Her laughter is completely adorable and infectious! It brought an immediate smile to face, I just love hearing it! Is there anything more sweet and pure then a baby laughing as hard as they can?
I have to wonder if that fart she let out made her laugh just as hard as her parents or if it was still just the asparagus mishap for her!
In the words of a wise, random Redditor:
Newborns smiling when they fart is clearly natures way of letting us know it’s supposed to be funny when someone farts.
byu/RosterBaiter inShowerthoughts

It’s probably a while until Brooklyn can eat asparagus for herself considering they’re not exactly the softest veggie in the world! Will it trigger some kind of blast of nostalgia when she finally eats it for herself? She might never really forget this video considering…
It has already been viewed over 2 million times!

But Brooklyn, along with the rest of us, should almost certainly be eating more asparagus!
Healthline shows us the insane number of benefits it can provide:
“Asparagus is low in calories but boasts an impressive nutrient profile.
In fact, just [90 grams] of cooked asparagus contains:
Calories: 20
Protein: 2.2 grams
Fat: 0.2 grams
Fiber: 1.8 grams
Vitamin C: 12% of the RDI
Vitamin A: 18% of the RDI
Vitamin K: 57% of the RDI
Folate: 34% of the RDI
Potassium: 6% of the RDI
Phosphorous: 5% of the RDI
Vitamin E: 7% of the RDI”

They also outline how asparagus can:
- Improve digestive health
- Help support a healthy pregnancy (in case Brooklyn has a sibling on the way!)
- Help lower blood pressure
- Be easy to add to your diet
- Be a good source of antioxidants
They also mention that asparagus can help you lose weight!
“Currently, no studies have tested the effects of asparagus on weight loss.
However, it has a number of properties that could potentially help you lose weight.
First, it’s very low in calories, with only 20 calories in half a cup. This means you can eat a lot of asparagus without taking in a lot of calories.
Furthermore, it’s about 94% water. Research suggests that consuming low-calorie, water-rich foods is associated with weight loss.
Asparagus is also rich in fiber, which has been linked to lower body weight and weight loss.”
With benefits like that, I get about as happy as Brooklyn everytime I see it on my plate now!

You can watch the video below for a good laugh, which is good for your health in its own way!
I highly recommend it, there’s nothing like a baby belly laughing to brighten your day!
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