Say hello to Delaney of Beaverton, Oregon.
She needs to make a video for class, but she’s run into some unexpected distractions!
You see, her dad Isaac loves to dance… and it’s unavoidable!
It all started with one fateful voice command:
“Alexa, play Kidz Bop.”

A kid cover of Mark Ronson’s smash hit “Uptown Funk” exits the nearby speakers.
Delaney describes her project to the camera. Today, she has some fine arts and crafts to show us.
Turns out, she’s not alone!
Her fun-loving father pops into view out of the left side of the camera!
What’s going on?!

Dad and his green shirt proceed to get down with it!
Is that JT or is that Delaney’s dad? I seriously couldn’t tell for a second there.
The kitchen counter is his stage. He rocks it like no other!
Delaney’s dad has some serious swagger!

That’s not the actual Justin Timberlake, by the way. It’s a questionable wax sculpture of him.
Despite all the shenanigans, Isaac’s lovely daughter doesn’t see a thing.
But she’s well aware of what’s happening.
It’s cute how she’s intentionally oblivious to Dad’s delicious dancing!
In her defense, Dad stays silent throughout the entirety of his performance, outside of the occasional clap to the beat.
“’Cause uptown funk gon’ give it to you”
It’s true. It can and it will!

What else does Dad have in his dancing bag?
Honestly, he’s not too bad. Other dads don’t even come close!
At first it, it seems like his daughter doesn’t even acknowledge him.
But a few seconds later, in the calmest tone she says,
“That’s my dad.”

Delaney doesn’t turn her attention away from her work, though.
She’s all business!
And she’s immune to her father’s antics…
Delaney’s seen them countless times before!

During the climax and chorus of Ronson’s pop anthem, Dad starts losing it!
He even thrusts Baby Brother into action!
Meanwhile, Delaney still doesn’t turn to acknowledge them!
“Don’t believe me just watch!”

Daughter Delaney cycles through a variety of odd-colored glues.
She asks a hilarious, perhaps necessary question,
“What is wrong with this family?”
Honestly, they seem awesome!
By this point, her previously unseen older brother joins in on the dancing shenanigans!

Although Delaney looks a tad agitated, she absolutely loves it!
Dad swings in with Baby Brother.
Baby Brother’s having an awesome time, clearly.

Wow, what a rad, fun family!
Dad and her brothers pop their heads into her arts and crafts session a few more times.
But she’s not annoyed. She likes their wackiness!
She’s a great sport!
She’s left with a wide grin.

So what’s the story behind the video?
Well, Delaney was doing a video tutorial for a class assignment.
Basically, the video was for her teachers! I’m sure they loved the result!
Isaac had no idea who the video was for!

Delaney’s mom Jennifer put the family fun on Facebook for the world to see!
“20 years from now, we’ll look back and say ‘remember that time where it was really hard and it was really emotional and the whole world was struggling but we were able to find joy in those moments?’ I think that’s why people relate to this video so much.”
Since then, Delaney’s arts and crafts tutorial has become a viral hit, with over 10 million views already!
So what do you think of Delaney and her family’s hilarious arts and crafts dance video?
Before you leave, make sure to check out the entire tutorial turned dance fiesta in the video player below!
What a dope family!
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