Raising a baby is incredible. You get to watch as a tiny little person experiences all of their “firsts”. In a sense, you get to see the world through their eyes and appreciate some of the little things that you’ve come to take for granted.
One of those things is music. That feeling you get when you’ve found your new favorite song? Babies get to do that all the time.
Because everything is new!
And it’s so interesting to find out which songs which get a toddler groovin’ and shakin’. I was obsessed with Michael Jackson as a baby, and my parents tell stories of me holding myself up on the living room table and dancing before I could even walk! And you’ve probably heard stories of your favourite baby songs from before you can remember, too.
But when you see a child’s eyes light up when their favourite song comes on… there’s nothing more inspiring!
This musical daddy found his daughter had a priceless reaction when he played a little acoustic guitar.
His wife recorded the moment, and the precious pair quickly went viral!

Playing “Dream Lover” by the wholesome heartthrob Bobby Darin, the dad played for his toddler.
“Every night I hope and pray
A dream lover will come my way
A girl to hold in my arms
And know the magic of her charms”

If you didn’t know any better you’d think this little gal was a soul sent straight from the 1950s, exciting to be hearing her favorite song again.

Her dad may be a talented guitar player and vocalist… but it’s the little one who steals the show.
She loves the performance so much that she seems keen to get her little hands on dad’s guitar!

Her reaction is just too cute for words.
Immediately she gets up and moving around on the bed, like the song has given her a second wave of energy (the last thing any toddler needs!).
It seems like she’s like a regular attendee to the concert-of-dad, and is throwing her hands up in the air and doing her darnedest to clap along to the beat.

The pair are having such a sweet moment together and both can’t help but giggle as they go. This is the duo we didn’t know we needed to see in 2020.
Even dad, the professional, is losing his composure!

Dan Fowlks is an actor, and has worked on some pretty impressive movies and tv shows… but I think the role of “Dad” still takes the cake as his best.
Which is good, because he plays it 24/7!
In an interview with The Dad, Dan said:
“Seeing somebody so young react to good music is revitalizing and makes you wonder, where did she learn that? She was 10 months old at the time. Clearly, music is a special gift we have.”

You may recognize this baby-serenading dad as the star from The West and the Ruthless, and Immortal Wars.

But when he’s not working, he’s at home raising three pretty adorable kids with his adoring wife!
He may have amassed millions of adoring fans through his appearances on the silver screen, but his number one fans are waiting for him to play more guitar solos at home.
And one day when this little toddler is a bit bigger and her hands can hold the chords, I think we can expect him to pass on his musical gift.
She certainly seems very keen to learn!

There are a lot of responsibilities that come along with raising a child, and it’s more work than you could ever imagine.
But there are so many big milestones and little rewarding moments like these, that make the entire journey so incredibly worth it.

Watch this sweet toddler’s adorable reaction to her dad playing a private concert for her before bed. It will melt your heart!
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