Learning to deal with emotions is one of the most important life skills. Sadly, many kids don’t get taught it well enough. But this father has set a great example.
Yes, school is important. But there are many life lessons that school leaves out. It falls upon parents to teach their kids so many skills.

Of course, no parent is perfect. But every parent has a duty to try their hardest to make their kid succeed.
This father is a great example of how to raise a child.

It all began when he made a parental faux par. He called his daughter a name she didn’t like.
Of course, he didn’t mean to upset her. He was just joking. But of course, his daughter’s feelings were hurt. She started crying.
So he got down to the daughter’s level and explained how she could cope with how she was feeling.

“You don’t always have to be happy. You don’t always have to be silly or funny.”
Then he got to the clincher:
“But the important thing is, whenever you’re feeling moods like this, is to not just stay there all the time. You want to accept it, you want to honor it. You want to acknowledge it, and then let it go.”

Then the dad told the girl that she was still loved and still safe, even if he had upset her. Once more, he reminded her to not hold on to the negative emotions for too long.
After that, he advised her to stop and yell or punch a pillow as anger management.
The daughter interjected by saying that she didn’t like it when he called her names.
Then the dad, maintaining a calm voice, clarified that he was just teasing her and that he didn’t mean to upset her. He then also mentioned how she called him names sometimes and that he has had different reactions to the namecalling.
Next, he said that now he knew what her boundaries were and that he’d respect them. He also promised to not push past those boundaries.
“I respect you, and I respect your feelings.”
Once he was finished up, he told his daughter that it would be good to go for a walk.
Then the daughter gave her dad a kiss. It was clear that she had learned an important lesson.
Luckily, this video then appeared on YouTube, where it made quite an impact. To date, over 474,000 people have watched it.
It also has more than 27,000 likes and 1,600 comments. People have been saying things like this:

It’s easy to see why the dad’s parenting has earned so much praise. He is clearly setting his daughter on a path for success.
Of course, it’s difficult to teach kids about feelings, just like many aspects of parenting are difficult.

An important first step for teaching kids to manage their feeling is to explain to pre-school aged kids that it’s important to describe their emotions with words. You can do this by discussing with them the feelings of characters on their favorite TV shows or in their favorite books. Just asking, “How do you think they feel right now?” can help, as it teaches a child to think about and talk about emotions.
With approaches like this, children will thrive as they navigate the world around them!
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