When it comes to raising talented people, it is always better to start them young.

“How to DAD” and YouTube sensation Jordan Watson from New Zealand knows just what you need to do to nurture your tots’ budding talents at a tender age. In one of his recent videos, Watson, co-starring his two-year-old daughter, made a tutorial on how to teach a toddler to sing.
The video has gone viral and has reached over 1.2 million views on the video-sharing platform!

In the viral clip, Watson can be seen sitting across his daughter, a table between them. He starts off by telling everyone that the way to begin the lesson is by covering the fundamentals first. He then starts vocalizing, and the little girl adorably mimics her Dad.
Watson does the high notes and the really low notes. Impressively, the toddler got to duplicate Watson’s tones and it’s quite a charming and incredible display of vocal chops! She’s only a couple of years old but, boy, it looks like she’s going to be a future star!

He then went on teaching her a series of singing styles based on certain musical genres. He begins with Pop music by singing an “Mmm, Bop!” which his daughter playfully duplicates! She did not copy only his voice and tone but even his gestures, too!

Watson went on to sing RnB, complete with hand movements to show the different tone levels. The toddler easily followed what her father did. Even when he spread his arms wide so he’ll appear like an opera singer, his little daughter perfectly mimicked his moves and made her own adorable versions!
Singing country music required a bit more effort, so Watson sang “Achy Breaky Heart” to show the singing style. His daughter gave her own rendition, belting it out with her own baby gibberish. Looks like someone’s going to give Taylor Swift a run for her money!

The little girl’s Rock performance was a good one, but she seems to have a really promising talent for Death Metal.
Watson jumped into teaching his daughter how to sing with a low guttural voice, just like what singers do when performing Death Metal. The toddler’s response was absolutely perfect! She may as well be a death metal singer herself one day. Her little growl was simply sensational!
Of course, Watson taught her how to sing Classical as well, and she also nailed it!

The tutorial will not be complete if he did not add Hip Hop to the list of lessons. Watson threw a slight punch in the air and said “Yeah!” The toddler did a charming little punch of her own to mimic the man’s moves. What a cute girl she was as she did some Hip Hop herself!
And just when we thought the lesson’s over, Watson does more RnB for the toddler to echo, which she did quite adorably!
“How to Dad” was created a few years back to poke some fun on Watson’s friend who was about to have a baby at that time. He uploaded a satirical instructional video on parenting and did not really expect it to be viral.
He was surprised to find notifications the next day showing the unbelievable number of views his video was getting. After that first viral clip, Watson decided to continue making videos for people online, especially parents, to relate to.

He did not see himself as a parent who knows exactly what he’s doing, but rather a simple Dad who just found a way to see the fun in parenting.
“I’m just a typical Kiwi dad. Kind of taken to the extreme in the DIY style,” says Watson in an interview with The Guardian. “People have just connected with it.”
Watson doesn’t really plan on what videos to make. When he sees something funny and worth sharing he immediately makes a move to share it with the world.
“I just think if I find it funny and it’s a laugh for parents, it ticks the right boxes.”
Are you a parent? See the fun in parenting by watch this Dad’s tongue-in-cheek viral video below.
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