Creative Dad Wins Hearts Of Feeding Triplets Routine
When you’re this busy, you have to get creative.
Eduardo Gaskell

Welcome to the world of dad. It’s intimidating enough for most new and soon to be dads, but imagine having three all at once. Yup, we’re talking triplets! Triple the chaos, triple the fun!

Nate Jennings was kind enough to film himself caring for his three daughters. The Jennings triplets needed a diaper change and a bottle of milk. Each.

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This had to be a workout.

The video is sped up, matched with a frantic opera style music which makes it really funny. Sort of like Nate wanted his viewers to feel panicked and agitated. Pretty much how he probably felt while taking care of the triplets.

All for the love of his three daughters. Nate must be one patient man.

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To make the decision of having a child is a huge life changing choice both partners make. They weigh their lives, making sure they have what it takes to care for a child. And it’s not just the money.

This is where relationships are tried and tested. It’s a lifetime decision. So both partners hope and pray for a child. There are countless couples all over the world expecting and wondering. And Nate got three!

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But let’s salute mom for carrying the triplets. See, with two or more in the womb, complications are common and doctors will often suggest a premature birth. A normal pregnancy takes about forty weeks.

Triplets are around 32 weeks on average. Any longer and the risks increase.

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It gets better. Doctors will suggest birth via Caesarean. Normal births are not recommended as there’s a higher risk of labor complications for one or more of the babies. C-section it is.


Mom had a hard time. Nate’s turn!

It’s amusing but also very sweet watching Nate care for his triplets. From changing nappies to giving them their bottles of milk, Nate lets his three daughters sleep on one nursing pillow each. And he sits with them while they sleep away.

Nate checks on each of his girls one at a time, even picking them up to help each baby burp. He did not need any distractions to pass the time. Just watching his three girls was enough for this loving dad.

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A viewer named Tracy commented,

“Way to go, Dad! I thought I was busy feeding twins…. :)”

Nate is super dad!

Pregnancy birth baby says,

“Fathers play a crucial role in their children’s emotional, social, physical and brain development. The type of father you are when they’re little will influence them right through to their adult life. Children need close, stable relationships with both parents.”


They continue stating that,

“They do better when fathers spend time with them and interact with them in a positive way. Fathers can help their child’s development through play, by being a good role model, and by being warm, loving and engaged.”


Nate is doing the right thing too.

He involved himself as early as possible. Gone are the days of leaving the baby with the women while the men go back to work. This is the way to bond with the kids.

Good job, Nate! That’s triple the trouble, and triple the love!


Watch Nate’s dad skills in the video below!

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