Daddy’s Song To Newborn Baby Is Adorably Heart-Melting
This is just so sweet.
Eduardo Gaskell

Babies are mainly predictable. Sometimes it can feel like all they do is cry. The problem is that not all parents know what to do when a baby won’t stop bawling.

It’s an instinct for mothers, but dads?

That’s the hilarious part. Dads will resort to anything to keep their newborn cub quiet.

There are tons of dad and baby videos out there so go help yourself.


Owen is five days old here.

Five. Everything is alien to the little guy. All he wants to do is eat and sleep. If he does get fussy, he’ll cry. That soft, vulnerable cry newborns do. And since his senses are brand new, dad found a great way to calm his son.

Who doesn’t like music?

Dad strums his guitar, playing a few chords here and there as he sings his son’s name, “Owen!” over and over.

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And the little dude loves it!

The style is a little bit of gospel and country. And Owen has his eyes fixed on his daddy, those fresh new ears absorbing that foreign sound. He’s definitely interested. That sounds great, dad!

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There are many benefits for babies when exposing them to good music. Sensory engagement with music helps a baby’s cognitive and sensory development. These small ones absorb fast so better get to it!

You’re looking at a child’s physical, emotional and intellectual development.

Music really does play a huge role for babies.

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That’s why lots of moms expose their wombs to music.

In fact, Daniel Levitin, Ph.D., and author of This is your brain on music says,

“Your child’s brain is prewired to learn music, just as it’s prewired to learn language. Your baby may make up little songs and train himself to hear and create various musical ideas.”

We humans were created in harmony with music. Cool stuff.


Give props to dad for his creativity.

No fancy lyrics needed. Just his son’s name with a few chords, and it worked! It’s a great way for Owen to learn music. Through dad’s voice? You bet!

Laurel Trainor, Ph.D., says,

“Playing with your baby along with music is an easy way to strengthen your relationship. If you play music that you enjoy, you’ll have more fun listening and singing along with your baby.”

It’s no different when bonding with adult friends. We humans just have to have music.


Who knows what else dad listens to?

It’s great to expose babies to all kinds of music. From nursery rhymes, to classical, to jazz and pop, the choices are endless. And the child may even be a future musician!

Of course, choose music and lyrics that are full of love. Songs that will soothe the baby. Let’s not go down the heavy metal route. That’s probably too much. Even mom would freak out.

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See, singing words to a baby may even help them learn to speak earlier.

So dad here singing to his son is on to something whether he knows it or not. Keep strumming, dad! Keep singing!

This is dad pouring out all his love for his little Owen.

He could have been doing something else, but he chose to sit by his son with a guitar, and just sing lovingly to the little guy. That’s just beautiful.


Watch dad catch sweet Owen’s attention below!

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