Child psychologists, pediatricians, and expert parents who’ve been in the game far longer than we have all say pretty much the same things: “Babies don’t keep.” “Enjoy every moment.” “Be their safe place.” And they’re absolutely right.
But what they do not stress enough is how savage these tiny, innocent-looking humans can be.
Before we get into their hilarious antics and quirks though, let’s remember this isn’t about tolerating or applauding bad behavior, or encouraging toddlers to talk back and whine until they get their way – this is just simply witnessing comical exchanges between dads and their kids, and laughing at how ridiculous some demands can be from these little ones.

More often than not, dads find themselves at the front row of the circus. They’re usually on the receiving end, and it’s safe to say they don’t seem to mind at all.
In fact, they seem to have the play-along-and-argue thing down pat.

Confident, headstrong, and stubborn, toddlers sure have the makings of corporate bosses and world leaders.
See, in their world, they always make perfect sense.
Not only are they equipped with the arguments, they have the volume covered, too. What a treat for the neighbors! These opinionated little ones seem to always have a lot on their mind and oh boy, they just cannot wait to tell you all about it! Check out the gestures on this little girl.

Is it Anna or Elsa? Check out her game face. She’s definitely not backing down. Neither is her dad. It’s a pretty funny exchange until she runs to her dad and whacks him on the head. We’ll let you and mom take it from there.

There’s really no telling where these adorable kids get their boldness. Check out this feisty little girl.

Her little brother’s face says it all. He’s probably curious and fascinated at what she’s doing, and at the same time nervous as he anticipates the trouble she’ll be in if she keeps this up. The way she defends her point may be impressive, but she does need to remember who’s in charge – something dad makes sure to point out.

Meanwhile, this little man is set on having the keys. Dad says he can’t, but I guess his son isn’t having it. Dad can go on all day with the “no” if necessary, kid. Wave that white flag now. Better luck next time.
And here we have daddy’s little princess, the champion charmer.

It’s bedtime and she needs to get off the phone. But, “No!” she responds. Dad giggles and tries to get her to go to bed. Tries.

Dads both make and need a lot of clarifications when dealing with their little ones, especially the girls. Add to that the babbling, the animated facial expressions, and other non-verbal cues that these kids think help get their point across.

It’s a challenge, alright. But it’s a lot of fun, too! How delightful it is to try and understand what they’re saying and at the same time train them to communicate better.

We’ve got to hand it to these dads. They may have the humor and patience for it, but they also know when to put their foot down when no means no. At least, most of the time.
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