One’s wedding day is a day they will never forget. This doesn’t only apply to the bride and groom, but also to the parents of the couple.

Especially when it comes to the bride’s father, things can get a bit awkward over the days before the wedding, since the father realizes that he’s about to “give his daughter away” to another man.
And, although this is an old tradition and it’s not quite close to reality, it still feels weird for a father to realize.

He’ll never stop caring about his daughter and, hopefully, if his “little girl”, who is really a grown woman now, has made a good choice of a future husband, he’ll never have to leave her life either.
However, there’s something about walking the beautiful woman who once used to be a joyful girl playing in the front yard down the aisle that just causes him mixed feelings.
And, eventually, the time comes for the bride-to-be and her father to walk toward each other, hold hands, and walk down the aisle together.

Many may be curious to know whether father and daughter have a little chat while walking and, if so, what they talk about.
Well, although we don’t know what happens at each wedding, there’s a video that might give you an idea of what the two talk about as they walk together toward the groom.

The videographer, Brian Jenkins, that was covering the wedding of Laura and Ismail in New Jersey only a while ago, had a brilliant idea. He would put microphones on Laura’s father, William, Ismail, and the officiant to get a better idea of how everyone felt during the wedding.
The video of 67-year-old William walking his daughter down the aisle was uploaded on YouTube and it made hearts melt.

The bride is obviously anxious about what is about to follow, and her father is trying to reassure her, telling her that everyone who is attending her wedding is there because she loves her and Ismail.
“Look around and look at all the love. These people wouldn’t have shown up like this had they not loved you and Ismail,” he can be heard saying.
As he reminds her that they have to walk slowly, he encourages Laura to look at all the people who are smiling.

He then points out that Ismail has “nothing but smiles” on his face, and this is the sweetest comment a future father-in-law could make about his daughter’s future husband.
In a few moments, they finally arrive at the altar, where William puts Laura’s hand in Ismail’s hands.

The father tells Ismail that he loves him and the statement makes the young man cry. The two men hug each other, while William assures Ismail that he’ll always be by their side.
“I’ll be always by your side, and you’ll never be alone,” he says.

The heart-melting video is available for you to watch below.
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