It was the best time of our lives. No work, no stress, just school and play all day everyday. And we thought getting into trouble for faking notes and forging signatures were bad. At least we didn’t have to worry about taxes and bills.
Here’s a hilarious compilation of notes creatively written by kids in the hopes of getting away with what little shenanigans they were attempting to carry out. Watch out moms and dads!

1. The Walkers are so happy
Hey, we were all young once. There’s nothing like the feeling of skipping school for the sake of video games. Because none of us needed social media then. This kid’s got a future in public office.
2. Definitely legit
One look at the handwriting and you know it’s definitely from someone important at school. Let her stay home and have some fun then. Not.

3. Listen to Ronnie’s mom
Ronnie’s PSP may have a few educational… games in there so let him bring it and use it when he wants to. After all, he does have permission from mom.

4. Hang on wait a minute
So maybe the kid meant Virginia? Let’s hope so or dad has a lot of explaining to do. Oh admit it, you’re laughing pretty hard right now.

5. Well that’s a nice thought
Kid’s got a real backer there. Must be every child’s dream to have parents that write notes for the teacher expressing their approval in bringing gaming gadgets. It remains a dream to this day.

6. Impressive penmanship
As far as forgery goes, this has to be the most perfect one there is. The kid nailed it, and those hearts do add a nice personal touch on paper. How sweet.

7. The concern is touching
No one likes homework either way. Probably not even mom and dad who would rather unwind in front of the TV with a drink instead of having to go over school work. Pick a side.

8. Kid down and needs help
Too much video games and not enough time reading books. That’s a good excuse for kids who claim injuries. Or make up your own story and go all reverse psychology on them.

9. Double darn
Now what on earth was little Annabella thinking? Or was she even thinking at all? She must be really cute. And funny.

How to be a dad
10. Need a translator
Give the kid an A for effort. And a little bit of penmanship practice. He’s got guts though that’s for sure.

11. Jen probably failed writing class
Brady had way too much sugar that day, and probably got distracted by many things. He’s got more days to do better. As for Jen though… Yes, pretty sure she saw and read this note. For sure.

Barstool Sports
12. Pat on the back for trying
It’s the thought that matters. It seems to be a sincere apology too so applaud the kid for this. Now for spelling lessons….

Midget Man of Steel
13. Fine don’t go then
Hey, can’t force someone to go if they don’t want to, regardless of the note’s quality. Just imagine the laughs teachers get in the faculty room during lunch break.

14. No one likes a qwiter
Okay let’s give Riley the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he’s just really not into playing the “vilin”. No one knows how to play an instrument that doesn’t exist.

How to be a dad
15. Things just got serious
Oh no way the poor kid. Maybe it was a heart attack after a scolding from mom. You know how kids like to exaggerate when telling stories.

How to be a dad
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