Family prays for sick baby being taken off life support. Then God answers their prayers
Karson was born with a rare genetic disorder, and his heartbroken parents were preparing to say their goodbyes.
Caryl Jane Espiritu

Are miracles real?

This family can assure you that miracles really do happen.

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Chelsea Hough just gave birth to her son, Karson, but she could not spend much time with him.

He had a rare disease requiring him to use a ventilator, and there was a chance it could cause him to pass away.

Little Karson was barely a month old, and everyone was devastated to find out that this baby might be taken away too soon.

Karson was born at 36 weeks, and everything went well during his mom’s labor and delivery.

His heartbeat was strong throughout labor, but it all went downhill once he entered the world.

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The baby’s heart stopped upon delivery but restarted after being placed on his mother’s chest.

Although the child survived delivery, his heart rate dropped as the days passed.

After thoroughly evaluating his condition, doctors discovered that the infant had various life-threatening conditions.

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No one could know for sure the cause of the boy’s condition, but doctors suspected a hemorrhage in Karson’s left temporal lobe.

They also suspected nonketotic hyperglycinemia (NKH).

NKH is a rare genetic disorder that causes an accumulation of glycine in the body’s tissues and fluids.

Karson had to be put on life support to help him survive and breathe independently.

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Weeks passed, and the family wanted nothing but for the baby to get better.

It was a moment of utter sadness, and after careful consideration, the family decided to end the infant’s suffering and take him off life support.

At this point, the baby’s Nana, Lisa Hough, called for everyone to pray during this challenging time. Everyone responded and prayed to help comfort the family when Karson would be removed from life support.

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Facebook - Chelsea Hough

“We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for every single prayer, thought, good vibes, and check in. We are going to take a breather today and process, digest, and absorb all this information. To take a minute to feel our feelings,” Lisa wrote on Facebook.

The date everyone was dreading was finally set.

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Facebook - Chelsea Hough

Chelsea and her family were told that Karson could breathe for only ten minutes after the machine was disconnected from him.

As the doctors removed the machine from the little boy, tears of sadness fell.

Everyone was saying their final goodbyes to the little boy.

But after the initial ten minutes, Karson somehow continued breathing independently.

Minutes turned into hours; clearly, the boy was determined not to lose the battle!

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Facebook - Chelsea Hough

Lisa could not believe the miracle that was happening right before her eyes!

Her beloved grandson had been breathing on his own for 5 hours when she decided to share the great news online.

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Facebook - Chelsea Hough

“Today, we witnessed a miracle!!” she said.

Karson has breathed on his own, and he is not backing down.

He continuously breathed in and out after hours, days, and months from when his life support was taken.

The young boy still has a long way to go before fully recovering, but her family is happy they get to spend more time with him.

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Facebook - Chelsea Hough

Karson has now celebrated his first birthday—something nobody initially thought possible.

He grows stronger daily, and we are blessed to know that this baby lives and is fighting hard for his life.

Chelsea, Lisa, and the rest of their family are grateful for this beautiful miracle.

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Facebook - Lisa Hough

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