Wanting to have a baby but not being able to is one of the hardest things any couple can go through and, unfortunately, is a somewhat common thing.
SingleCare.com estimates that between 12% and 15% of couples are unable to conceive naturally.

This was the case for one Ocala, Florida couple when something unexpected happened.
Vincent, an Ocala County firefighter, was at work one day when he heard an alarm go off in his station.
An alarm going off in a fire station may not seem like a big deal, it’s something that happens multiple times every day, but this was a special alarm.

This alarm meant that a baby had been left in the station’s Safe Haven box and needed care.
The Safe Haven boxes are a relatively new addition to 148 fire stations across the country; it is a place where parents can leave young children they can no longer care for, for one reason or another.
So far, 31 babies have been surrendered to Safe Haven boxes, and now there was one more.

Vincent rushed down to the box and opened it to find a beautiful baby girl staring up at him.
From the first moment they locked eyes Vincent fell in love, he called his wife, Katie, to let her know what had happened and together they thought of a plan.
He followed protocol and immediately took the baby to the hospital for a health check, but he added a little something else to the blankets she was wrapped in.

“Hello,” the note said, “my name is Vincent and I have been working for the fire department for the last 8 years. Me and my wife have been trying to have a family for almost a decade now and, if given the opportunity, we would like to adopt this baby.”
Only 2 days after Vincent had first seen the beautiful baby girl, she was allowed to go home with him and meet Katie.
She too fell in love immediately upon looking into the bright blue eyes of the baby, and she believed that her and Vincent’s dream had finally come true.

They named the little girl Zoey and love her more than anything they have ever loved before.
It wasn’t until 3 months later though, that Zoey was officially, and legally, theirs.
In a Zoom ceremony celebrating the event, the presiding adoption Judge finally declared that “You guys are a family!”

“Holy guacamole, we’re a family!” was Katie’s reaction.
It has now been 6 months since Zoey came into her parent’s lives and every single day they are in awe of her.
Though they have had no contact with the people who surrendered the sweet baby, they are forever grateful to them that they did.

Soon after she found out about what had happened, Monica Kelsey, the founder of the Safe Haven box program, had something to say.
“We want to address the parents who legally surrendered this infant.” she said in a press conference, “And right now, I am going to talk directly to him or her: Thank you. Thank you for keeping your child safe. Thank you for bringing your child to a place that you knew was going to take care of this child. And thank you for doing what you felt was best.”
Though it may be a little unconventional, this family’s story is unbelievably amazing and makes you believe in a higher power that brought these 3 individuals together.

Meet baby Zoey and her loving new parents in the video linked below.
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