There are many misconceptions about employees who quit their job. Some would say that it’s because they couldn’t do the job well or they did something terrible.
There are also people who assume that it’s because the salary of these workers isn’t enough. But we should keep in mind that every employee has different reasons why they choose to resign from their jobs.
This is why an ex-kindergarten teacher felt the need to post about her reasons why she resigned from her job.
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She is Jessica Gentry and she is very vocal about her thoughts. She also generously shares them online.
One post she shared about why she actually quit her job, however, has gained more attention than she ever would have imagined.
She mentioned all the possible assumptions of other people and her former HR director about her resignation. So, she addressed them with all honesty.
Jessica listed the 5 real reasons she left a job she’s passionate about.

But before that, she refuted that it’s about the pay.
“Let me tell you why those who ooze passion for teaching are leaving the occupation like their hair is on fire…”
First, she tackled the claims that “the kids have changed”.

For her, it’s not true that it’s the kids who have changed. It’s parenting and society that have changed. And these changes have been affecting the kids.
“Parents are working crazy hours, consumed by their devices, leaving kids in unstable parenting/coparenting situations, terrible media influences… and we are going to give the excuse that the KIDS have changed?”
She also added how kids would always behave when they’re in the place where they feel safest.
“The kids flipping tables at school? They don’t have a safe place at home. Our classrooms are the first place they’ve ever heard ‘no’, been given boundaries, shown love through respect.”
It makes sense, right?
Kids learning is not just all about technology.

Jessica also emphasized the importance of hands-on learning, which is being neglected nowadays. It’s because we focus too much on using technology to teach kids.
She wanted to remind everyone that kids still need to learn how to deal with things, not only when using a gadget but also in an actual setting.
Jessica talked about how important time is.

And for her, it should be used wisely and mainly for the kids. She even shared her own experience.
“Just this year, a new math assessment was introduced for K teachers. We had to attend a training on a school day (time missed with students) then it took us THREE WEEKS to administer it… one on one… to 21 students. Such. A. Waste. All of the info I could have told you about them without taking away from precious instructional time.”
Parents must do their part.

All parents want the best for their kids, that’s for sure. But it’s saddening that many parents totally depend on schools and teachers to give the best for their kids.
As they do this, they also tend to forget that they also have to contribute to the betterment of their children. This is what Jessica wanted to say on her 4th reason.
Jessica even shared some of the undesirable treatment that she experienced from some parents and they’re heartbreaking.
“Instead of holding parents accountable… and making them true partners, we’ve adopted a customer service mindset. I’ve seen the Facebook rants about attendance and getting “the letter”. Well, here’s the thing… I can’t teach your child if he’s not in school”
Last but not the least
Jessica revealed how everything about her teaching job affected her health physically and mentally.
As she knows what the students deserve, she knew that she couldn’t do her job if she isn’t in the condition to do so.
“I finally realized… you can’t save them all. You can’t even help 21 if you aren’t healthy yourself. If your mental and physical health aren’t a focus, you aren’t even good for the 21.”
She left all the benefits of being a teacher just so she can take care of someone important and that’s her own child. She believes it’s important for every student to be guided by their parents.
By doing this, it’s like she’s dealing with the start of all problems of students and that is at home.
“I decided to start with my 1 at home… and work to help other mommas be able to show up for their ones at home. Because… I really do believe it starts there.”
“I may have left the classroom… but I am still advocating for those kiddos. It just looks different now,” she added on her post.
What Jessica said in her post is empowering and truly inspiring.
Hopefully, her post will reach many more people, especially parents. It’s because parents are the first people to teach their kids. They should prepare their kids to be taught by teachers at school.
Check out Jessica’s full post below.
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