Let’s admit it. There are people who have complete families but they tend to not appreciate what precious gift they have. While they are discontent with the kind of family they belong to, there are kids and teens who are longing to have what they have: parents and family.
One of these kids is Tim.

It has been 10 long years since Tim entered the foster system. He was only three years old when he got in.
The now 13-year-old young man is desperate to find his permanent family. He wanted at least to have a mom and a dad. If he gets a chance, he also wished to have more siblings because it would be fun to have brothers and sisters rather than playing alone.

Tim’s caseworker knows how desperate he is in finding his forever family. And so, the caseworker brought Tim to Dallas so he can be featured in WFAA’s segment, Wednesday’s Child.
An interview was set to get to know Tim and his story.

The young man was only three years old when he entered the foster system. His big blue eyes were full of hope, wishing to have his own forever family and be surrounded by people who loves him.
However, this did not happen. 10 years after his entry, Tim was still waiting for a family to take him as their own.
“At home, I am an angel. Perfect,” Tim shared about how he is at the residential treatment center for foster children.

In a photo that his caseworker found when Tim was seven years old, excitement and innocence can be seen in his bright smile and happy face. It is quite sad that he still has not found a family who would adopt him even after six years.
At thirteen years, his bright smile has slowly faded and his big blue eyes have grown tired.

Will a family finally accept him this time? Tim is still hoping. He finds sleeping difficult and he longs for the day where he will stop moving from one home to another.
“Kind of like being in a prison without walls. You got runners, but then where you gonna [sic] go if you run? Absolutely nowhere but right back to where you ran from,” he said.
Tim wants parents and described what kind of mom he wants.

“Someone that cares, who’s always worried. I may seem embarrassed sometimes (by her worrying) but she’ll still be wondering if I’m OK. She’ll ask how my day is every time I walk through the door,” he said.
For his dad, Tim wants someone who will give him lessons on how to be a man and a hero who pays attention to him.
“If I go outside, he’ll go outside with me. He’ll give me some normalcy.”

Siblings are also important because Tim would really be happy to play basketball, his favorite sport, with his brothers or sisters.
Tim has nothing to offer but his smile and his love for his permanent family.

“Freedom. Freedom to go out the door when I want and them not worrying about me coming back or not, because they know they can trust me,” he said.
The young man is still waiting for a family who can accept him as their own, and he prays and hopes that by sharing his story, someone will step up and call his name.
Know more about Tim’s by watching the video below.
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