Family opens their home to boy no one wants to adopt only to discover his true colors
When the Gill's decided to start fostering they only did it with the intention of helping as many foster kids as they could until those kids found their forever families. But everything changed when they met Andrew.
Jake Manning

In the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, a story of love and acceptance unfolded.

Dominique and Kevin Gill opened their home to a young boy named Andrew, whose life story deeply moved them.

Andrew had been in the system since he was six, his parents’ rights terminated, and his siblings adopted.

This left Andrew alone, carrying the weight of his past.


Andrew’s early days with the Gills were marked by solitude.

He spent hours in his room, doors shut, immersed in old photographs, reluctant to engage.

This behavior is not uncommon in children like Andrew, who have faced repeated disappointments and heartaches.

They often build walls around themselves as a defense against further pain.


Dominique described Andrew as a challenging child, often acting out and keeping to himself.

Despite this, the Gills were determined to break through his barriers.

They understood his behavior as a shield against the hurt of his past and were committed to showing him the love and belonging he desperately needed.


The turning point came when Andrew and Joc, Dominique’s son, discovered their shared interests.

A simple video game session revealed their mutual love for Pop-Tarts, sparking a friendship that would become a cornerstone in Andrew’s journey.

This newfound connection marked the beginning of a significant change in Andrew.


Over time, the bond between Joc and Andrew grew stronger, observed Kevin Gill.

This growing closeness was a source of joy for the family, as they watched Andrew gradually open up and become a part of their lives.

The transformation was heartening, a testament to the power of patience and love.


As Andrew’s stay with the Gills extended beyond a year, his relationship with Joc remained a source of stability and happiness.

The family had initially intended only to foster, aiming to help as many children as possible.

However, their journey with Andrew took an unexpected turn.


Dominique shared with TODAY Parents that their initial plan was to support Andrew until he found a permanent home.

But after two failed adoption attempts, she felt a divine indication that Andrew was meant to be with them.

It was as if fate had intervened to bring Andrew back into their fold.


The moment Andrew found his forever home was nothing short of magical.

Surprised by a gathering of smiling faces, balloons, and heartfelt signs, Andrew was asked by the Gills if he wanted to join their family.

His affirmative response, coupled with Joc’s endearing “Will you be my brother?” t-shirt, was met with cheers and joy from everyone present.

Dominique recalled Andrew’s gratitude, his appreciation for their unwavering support despite the challenges in his file.


Andrew Gill officially found his forever home. It was a journey from uncertainty to belonging, from solitude to love.

Dominique’s words, “Love doesn’t have a color. Andrew is our son just like Joc is our son,” encapsulate the essence of their story.

Andrew not only found a family and a home but also happiness, love, and a brother in Joc.

Their story is a beautiful reminder that love transcends all barriers and that everyone deserves to be loved and accepted.

Watch this incredibly heartwarming story in the video below!

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