Moms … despite what they do or say, you have to love them. Accustomed to dealing with some of life’s most embarrassing situations, they don’t hold back. That’s especially true when tweeting.
And for those who don’t tweet, we have their children to thank for sharing intimate secrets. These 50 tweets are just a few of the thousands of examples of what moms are capable of. So, enjoy
1. Honesty hurts
After arguing with my older sister over something pointless, my mom said, “I now understand why some animals eat their young.” #MomQuotes
— Perkinskiii 💭 (@thatdrunkfeller) May 10, 2017
2. That’s pretty funny
“If you fall out of that tree and break both your legs, don’t come running to me.”#momquotes
— Diane (@Diane46881440) May 10, 2017
3. How do you argue with that?
Me: “Mom, you’re invading my personal space’.
Mom: ‘Well you came out of my personal space.That makes us even”.#MomQuotes
— W. Vandertie (@WVandertie) May 10, 2017
4. Mom advice
I’m single. My mom said “if you feel lonely, dim the lights and put on a horror movie. You won’t feel like you’re alone anymore.” #MomQuotes
— Shawn (@ashawnishing) May 10, 2017
5. TMI
My mom caught me and my brother looking at dirty magazine when we were kids and said “Yeah I use to look like that at one time.” #MomQuotes
— Kyle Stephen (@KyleStephen) May 10, 2017
6. We’ve all been there
After calling me all of my 4 siblings’ names&the dog’s name, Mom tells me: You know who you are, I don’t have to, come over here! #MomQuotes
— Cathy Brodniak (@CMBrodniak) May 10, 2017
7. Slick move
Mom (pointing to cousin): Look at her, taking another roofie
Me: Selfie?
Mom: Selfie, roofie, whatever#MomQuotes— Gloria Fallon (@GloriaFallon123) May 4, 2016
8. Straight to the point
If a boy is not smart enough to see your value, don’t be dumb enough to want him #MomQuotes
— Saga_Says (@Saga_Says) May 10, 2017
9. Perhaps someday
“You’re not listening. You better start listening to me, I might say something important one day”. #MomQuotes #ShitNancySays
— Midwest’s Biggest ‘Cuse fan🍊🏀 (@brettjb13) May 10, 2017
10. Good question
I told my mom I made a new friend and she asked “animal or human?” #momquotes
— Anna Freel (@anna_freel) May 10, 2017
11. The truth comes out
me: lets name our dog Zeus
my mom: I don’t like “Z” names
my brother Zach: “…..” #momquotes— Sydney Thomson (@squidly_ann) May 10, 2017
12. Interpretation, please
Me: “But mom, what if they kidnap me” ?
Mom: “Oh don’t worry. They’ll definitely bring you back”. #MomQuotes— W. Vandertie (@WVandertie) May 10, 2017
13. Great advice…
“You can have a boyfriend once you’re married.” #Momquotes
— naturally (@Naturally_Joane) May 10, 2017
14. She’s clueless
Mom: Can you order your dad this shirt from The Gap website?
Me: Sure
Mom: Oh no! It’s 10:30 pm, aren’t they closed?#MomQuotes— Katie Kennedy (@MsDuchessKate) May 10, 2017
15. Sweet dreams
Me: “Mommmmm there’s monsters under my bed” !
Mom: “No there’s not. The alligators ate them all. NOW GO TO SLEEP” ! #MomQuotes— W. Vandertie (@WVandertie) May 10, 2017
16. Where’s the nearest rock?
My mom dressed up like Pitbull for Halloween and walked around saying “Mr. Worldwide” the whole night #momquotes
— Emery Rosenbaum (@EmeryRosenbaum) May 10, 2017
17. Shattered dreams
#MomQuotes “Any dummy can get married. It takes a smart woman to stay single.”
— Jane Miller (@Jmiller423) May 10, 2017
18. Can someone explain?
Me: starts telling a story
Mom: “honey I can’t hear you let me put on my glasses”#MomQuotes— Hallie 💛🦋 (@00s_hallie) May 10, 2017
19. You can’t win
#MomQuotes @FallonTonight
My Mom: Hey I’m talking to you, answer me.
Me: But I am answering you.
My mom: Don’t you talk back to me!— Low Ki 🌺 (@Alohababe2011) May 10, 2017
20. Whatever you say, Mom
“Your dad may be the head of the family, but I’m the neck. I really control what’s going on” #MomQuotes
— Josh Barney (@joshuabarney44) May 4, 2016
21. That doesn’t seem fair
If you get a paddling at school, you’re getting a whipping here at the house.#MomQuotes
— ∼Marietta (@_MariettaDavis) May 10, 2017
22. Can’t take her anywhere
Went out to eat and mom ordered the Thigh (Thai) chicken with penis (peanut) sauce #momquotes
— Scott Nelsen (@nelses1) May 10, 2017
23. Gotcha
Told my mom “LOL” meant “Lots of love”. My friends dog dies & she texted him “Sorry about your dog, LOL – Judy” #MomQuotes
— G.Mo. (@TheKidFromBKLYN) May 10, 2017
24. Making your kid feel bad
I don’t mind having wrinkles, I’ve earned every single one.#MomQuotes
— ∼Marietta (@_MariettaDavis) May 10, 2017
25. She’ll find you
Did you see my message on FB, text, twitter and email? I tried all of them. #momquotes
— Bleeding Heart (@Momof15) May 10, 2017
26. So, when’s the right time?
“Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about!” She always said that after giving me a spanking!— Lisa Mayo (@ComRevlisamayo) May 10, 2017
27. Old remedies
I’m going to grease you up from your head to your toes.
She felt Vicks VapoRub cured every disease. #MomQuotes— Chris P. Bacon (@ChrisPBaconJr) May 10, 2017
28. Mom always has your back
Me: Lets just have fruit for dessert Sunday. I’m dieting.
Next Sunday: I just made a poundcake with strawberries ‘n sugar. #MomQuotes— Bleeding Heart (@Momof15) May 10, 2017
29. Once a mom … always a mom
I was getting on a flight to a Caribbean island and my Mom asked me, “Did you pack a coat, honey?” 🏝#MomQuotes
— NC (@natechampchurch) May 10, 2017
30. Mom nailed it
Mom can I stay up and watch Jimmy Fallon?
No son. We don’t want to have to take you to therapy. #MomQuotes
— W. Vandertie (@WVandertie) May 10, 2017
31. Vote of confidence
We broke down the swing set the other day, when I said I am bad at unscrewing things my mom goes “are you good at anything?” #MomQuotes
— megan (@MeganPhlllips) May 10, 2017
32. She might be right
When a girl at a fast food place put our fries in the bag upside down my mom said with a shrug, “Bad karma will follow her” #momquotes
— Chelsea Jenell (@chelseaofwords) May 10, 2017
33. It’s the little things
Direct quote…”my wish for this Mother’s Day is to not have any pee on the toilet seat” #MomQuotes #boymom
— Colleen Zito (@ZitoColleen) May 11, 2017
34. Oh, so humble
“Your Dad wore sweater vests and dorky glasses when I met him. I pretty much saved his life by marrying him.”
— Angie (@FourPrivetDr) May 10, 2017
35. Disowning their child
“Do you know what YOUR daughter did today?” (To my dad.) #MomQuotes
— N S Bean (@La_Bynx) May 10, 2017
36. Was that necessary?
Me: Got asked to be a groomsman again.
Mom: Why do people like you? #MomQuotes— Chris Murphy (@SeeMurphsTweets) May 11, 2017
37. What changed?
Me – What’s for dinner?
Mom – I don’t know. I’m not going to make all your decisions. #momquotes— Jacob Lutz (@boxes120) May 10, 2017
38. Comforting her child
I was so clumsy that I guess my mom got tired of coming to my rescue that she started saying, come over here and I’ll pick u up.#MomQuotes
— ∼Marietta (@_MariettaDavis) May 10, 2017
39. Seems weird
When we went to look at houses for sale. She’d ask the realtor,
Is it weird in here or is it just me?#MomQuotes
— Chris P. Bacon (@ChrisPBaconJr) May 10, 2017
40. Empty threat
I brought you into this World and I can take you out of this World #MomQuotes
— Cris Carter (@criscarter80) May 10, 2017
41. Moms know
Be home by 11. Nothing good happens after 11.#MomQuotes
— ∼Marietta (@_MariettaDavis) May 10, 2017
42. Well, that’s interesting
“Your sister just started taking voodoo classes.” Mom telling me about my sister starting Zumba. #momquotes
— Daniel Clardy (@boybrushedinred) May 10, 2017
43. Mixing things up
My mom once apologized to somebody for butt dialing them by saying “sorry, that was a booty call” #MomQuotes
— Raquel Mendez (@Normakel) May 10, 2017
44. Twice the likes
My stepdad wanted my mum to like his Facebook profile picture. She said, ‘Isn’t it enough to like you in real life?’ #MomQuotes
— Lia Rae (@raedaydreamer) May 10, 2017
45. Always planning
My mom once gave me a glass vase as a present and said “I think this will be cute to hold my ashes in someday.” #MomQuotes
— KRose (@KristenRose124) May 4, 2016
46. Tongue twister
One time we were going through the drive thru and she said “can i get a pickle with extra cheeseburgers” I still tease her for it #MomQuotes
— Kassidy Anderson (@kassafrass_16) May 10, 2017
47. Moms can’t get enough
@jimmyfallon my mom cannot say goodbye on the phone. she says goodbye, continues talking, goodbye, talks again HANG UP ALREADY! #momquotes
— LoLoIzMe🪓🥇🪓 (@LoLoIzMe) May 10, 2017
48. Who’s the boss?
You tell that teacher either she listens to what you tell her or I’ll come down there and she can listen to me!#MomQuotes
— ∼Marietta (@_MariettaDavis) May 10, 2017
49. Why so harsh?
You didn’t wash the dishes
You didn’t clean your room
If it’s not done by dinner,
I’m putting you in your tomb.#MurdersDayCards #MomQuotes— (@propapergirl) May 11, 2017
50. They’re so embarrassing
She was trying to increase donations at a fund raiser.
“I Upped My Pledge – Up Yours” There was silence.#MomQuotes— Chris P. Bacon (@ChrisPBaconJr) May 10, 2017
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Source: Bored Panda, Today