Look, we all know that most dads work super hard to take care of their families. But especially during the pandemic, a lot of mothers have carried an extra heavy load. For the most part, it’s been the moms who’ve handled the homeschooling, kept the house clean, run errands, and dealt with kids who are bored out of their minds.
Thankfully, some fathers are more than willing to pitch in at home to make things easier for their significant other. But as you’ll see from these 60 photos, perhaps they should stick to their 9 to 5 job. These dad fails are hilarious. More than likely, you’ll be able to relate to several of these.
It’s important for kids to try new foods. Usually, if they’re introduced to things when still young, they adapt pretty easily. That’s what this dad tried to do. But he probably should’ve eased into it.
Okay, so this dad gets credit for at least trying to help his daughter dress for school. But the next time, he might want to choose something different. Actually, almost anything would be better than this. Mom wasn’t happy. Let’s hope they didn’t tell her or she’ll be scarred for life.
Apparently, this dad didn’t get the memo going around about putting a shirt under overalls. Yes, he failed miserably. But his baby girl is still super cute.
That’s how long this girl’s father left her alone without supervision. In that amount of time, she devoured 18 containers of yogurt. Can you guess who gets to stay up with her all night due to a massive stomachache? At least she didn’t find the hidden candy bars.
Hey, he was right in the middle of a serious match on his favorite computer game. What was he supposed to do? Besides, the baby’s sleeping just fine.
That’s the look on this baby’s face after her dad drew on some eyebrows. Either her expression comes from seeing herself in a mirror or from her mom’s laughter while talking to Dad on the phone.
This is what happens when a naked dad goes to check on his baby but forgets there’s a camera in the nursery. Hopefully, only his wife can see it. If it was live-streaming, he probably had a lot of explaining to do.
8. Such an accomplishment
Although he didn’t quite get the sling right, the baby appears to be comfortable. Well, except for the area around the next. Even better, by the look on this dad’s face, he thinks he nailed it.
This little girl might have a bright future as an artist. But for now, her dad needs to keep a closer eye on her. Especially after giving her spaghetti for lunch.
Kids remember a lot more than most parents realize. This wasn’t a very nice stunt. This dad had better watch his back for a long time. You know what they say about karma?
What a great dad. His kids wanted something to eat. So, he made them popcorn. Well, he made it but that doesn’t mean it’s edible. Pizza, anyone?
Instead of waiting a few years to talk to their kids about the “birds and the bees,” it looks like they’ll need to have a discussion much sooner. All thanks to dad and his pancake making skills. Way to go.
…and can you blame them? If your dad grabbed you and got inside of a smelly trash container how would you feel? But the bigger question — what’s Mom going to think after seeing this photo?
Not only does this dad take care of his kids but he also offers to babysit for others. One important note…if they act up, this is what he does. It’s time to look for a new babysitter.
15. There’s a difference?
To this father, a diaper is a diaper. When his wife asked if he put a swim diaper on the baby before letting her play in the kiddie pool, he proudly said, “Yes.” Wrong answer.
That’s what this dad thought when he allowed his small son to drink from a huge water bottle. Considering the mom took this photo, she obviously knew what was about to happen. The next time…listen to your wife.
The good is that this girl’s father was more than willing to help her put her hair in a bun. The bad, he has a twisted sense of humor. Or at least we hope he was kidding and didn’t send her to school this way.
Moms always post the cutest and sweetest photos of their kids. You know, they’re wearing an adorable outfit, she has their hair just right, and the background is super adorable. Then there are dads who prefer to take this approach.
19. Delicious and nutritious
How nice. This dad packed his kid’s school lunch. But the next time Mom goes to the grocery store, she might want to take him along. That way, she can show him the difference between an apple and a red onion.
A little bit of common sense would’ve gone a long way for this dad. She didn’t mean to use four diapers but a size four. Can you imagine if this kid was in a size six?
If you have a brother or sister, then you know all about sibling rivalry. This boy’s uncle took him to the local park and made him do this. “Thanks, bro…now I have to come up with an explanation that my son’s going to accept.” This is the definition of payback.
He was only trying to kill a fly that landed on his daughter’s cell phone. Great, teenage girls are hard enough to deal with…now he has this to worry about. Maybe he needs to take a break from the gym.
That’s what this dad couldn’t figure out until his wife pointed out the obvious. The next time you dress your son, make sure you put the left shoe on the left foot and the right shoe on the right foot. Problem solved.
24. The out of control child
Moms love their kids but most dread taking them on a shopping trip. It’s as though they lose all control. This dad doesn’t have that problem. Perhaps more moms should try this.
All parents have to make hard decisions and a lot of sacrifices. Case in point…this dad decided to put his kid’s toy on the shelf and grab an alcoholic beverage instead. Hopefully, the boy wasn’t with his father when he made this poor judgment call.
26. What’s wrong with that?
Well, a lot. Instead of watching his daughter being interviewed after receiving a coveted scholarship, this dad opted for a selfie with one of his long-time idols. What do you want to bet this dad was deprived of fast food as a child?
This man’s wife asked him to watch the baby and that’s what he did. At least this is better than having the little guy sleep in a drawer. The cute kid baby seems to be enjoying himself while bonding with his dad.
28. One of these is really wrong
What a great idea. This dad took his daughter to get ice cream. But by the looks of it, he wanted it more than she did. On the outside, she’s trying her hardest to smile but on the inside, she’s probably raging.
This photo pretty well sums it up. There’s a good chance that somewhere in the garage is a baby bottle. Fortunately, it doesn’t look anything like this can so there’s no need to worry about him mixing them up at feeding time. Or is there?
In all fairness, this dad did something that started with that letter of the alphabet. The only problem, there’s a huge difference between “Pajama Day” and “Photo Day” at school. Nice PJs though…looking good kid.
It’s nice to see dads who support their kids even if they don’t know much about what they’re into. This father wasn’t able to attend his son’s football game but he was still cheering him on from afar. There’s nothing wrong with that. But there is an issue when he doesn’t understand the game’s lingo.
Typically, it’s moms who do all the clothes shopping to get their kids ready for school. But this dad wanted to help out. So, he took his daughter to find some new outfits. That’ll be the last time since his dad-daughter shopping privileges have been permanently revoked.
Yep, this boy’s uncle won’t be watching him again anytime soon. All this kid wanted was for his uncle to write the word “Batman.” This is what he got instead.
34. Maybe he won’t notice
When making oatmeal for his son, this dad used the wrong spice. But hey, cinnamon and turmeric are kind of the same color. We suggest leaving the cooking to Mom.
Or at least he thinks he is. As a new father of twins, this guy came up with a not-so-brilliant idea. To be honest, we can’t even figure out what it is, let alone what he was thinking. Hopefully, the kids don’t get too hungry before Mom comes home to undo this mess.
It’s funny to watch babies being introduced to new things…like this gigantic pizza. Although he has no idea what it is, his facial expression says it all. This dad was simply ordering food for a bunch of friends without giving any thought to how it would overwhelm his child.
What a great father. There he is, sitting on the floor with his baby while surrounded by a ton of toys. There’s just one problem…he kind of forgot to include the baby in his activities…which equate to being on his cell phone.
We’ll start by saying that this guy didn’t give his child laundry detergent to drink. But his wife stated that the freshly washed clothes smell suspiciously like milk while her cereal has a laundry soap flavor. To all dads out there…pay attention to the details.
Okay, this one falls back on the mom but at the same time, this baby’s dad is standing right there beside her and didn’t stop it. For anyone giving a post-game interview — make sure the cameras aren’t rolling before you do this. Better yet, never give beer to your baby.
Okay, this Instagram post warrants a question. Was this dad talking about the butt wrinkles on his baby or his? If it’s the latter, we have a second question. Why in the world would he announce this to the world?
Why is it that dads, or in this case, a boyfriend, thinks that watching a baby gives them free rein to do something like this? Yes, it’s cute but it also makes you wonder who’s the baby versus the adult.
42. An unsuspecting father
When a three-year-old asked her dad for raisins, he assumed she wanted a healthy snack. That was the first problem…with a child, never assume. And at that age, where did she come up with the idea? Pretty smart kid…the dad, not so much.
43. Isn’t that what she meant?
Here’s another example of why fathers should ask more questions. All his daughter needed was a hair tie to keep the strands out of her face. So, he obliged but just not quite in the way she expected.
This dad deserves some props for this. Come on, you have to agree it’s beyond adorable. When shared with his wife at work, everyone was probably cracking up. They should frame it and proudly hang it on their living room wall.
If this photo doesn’t drive the message home about never leaving kids unsupervised, nothing will. What’s a dad supposed to say to a small child who ruins an expensive computer? After all, who’s at fault here?
That’s what you might initially think but in reality, this dad dressed his tiny son up as Joe Rogan for his first Halloween. If you only saw the face, you might mistake this infant for a grown man. This is cute and creepy at the same time.
47. Giving mom a heart attack
After asking her husband what he did with the kids all day, he gave her an honest answer. “Played in the yard.” But if she ever finds this photo, you know what’s going to hit the fan. It does look like a lot of fun.
48. Dad’s version of playing dolls
This father has no problem sitting down with his little girl to play dolls. The two of them had a blast. As for the subject matters, they probably have a very different point of view.
When asked to put their son down for a nap, this is what the mom discovered after checking on things a few minutes later. Yep, the dad is sound asleep while the baby is awake and trying to figure out what’s going on. Big time fail.
After his wife purchased a label maker, this dad decided to put it to good use. After all, you never know when you need to be reminded that the tiny thing in the crib is a baby. We’re seriously worried.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again…dads can’t leave kids alone for a second. Especially if a child says they’re going to make a snack, it’s time to beat them to the kitchen. Otherwise, this could happen.
Most dads are kids in grown-up bodies. So, as soon as they’re left to care for their child, anything could happen. The poor girl didn’t have a chance. If you look at her eyes, it appears she was asleep when her dad did this.
Kids are naturally curious…about everything…including the anatomy of mannequins in department stores. This is a good time to keep a close on the little ones. If not, they’ll be asking questions that parents aren’t ready to answer.
That’s all a dad needs to carve out a watermelon, shape it to their child’s head, and put it on them so it fits perfectly. If this dad played it right, he still had enough time to give his daughter a bath. That way, his wife wouldn’t have a clue.
There are few things cuter than watching a child grow up with a dog. Not only is the Dalmatian great with kids but also super cute. But in this case, one child felt their pup needed a little more color. Where was dad during the enhancement process?
In a father’s eyes, their daughter is a princess. That means she gets almost everything she wants, even a swing. While the other photos are all fails, this one is so sweet that it deserves to be mentioned. The only downfall is that he might need a good massage after this and the fact that she might grow up feeling a little entitled.
Sometimes, dads can’t help but feel entertained by the things their kids do. Although this boy’s father could’ve told him earlier that the “selfie” he was taking was on a laptop and not a phone, he couldn’t stop laughing long enough to explain. As soon as the kid realized what was going on, he went from sad to happy.
58. You probably guessed it
Yep…this photo was taken inside of a Wal-Mart. We’re guessing this dad was tired of his son’s antics and refused to coddle him. Although the floors will be a little cleaner, this might not be the most effective way to teach the boy a lesson.
Riding in the car while inside of a gym bag instead of strapping into a car seat might be fun but it’s dangerous. Most fathers want to make their kids happy. But they should never go to the extreme of compromising their safety. Our only question…how did she fit in there?
That’s what this little boy’s dad thought when he dressed him in pants way too big. It was only after the toddler couldn’t keep up with him because his britches kept falling down that he realized he made a mistake.