This pandemic has shut down schools all over the world for the rest of the school year. This has forced parents to become homeschooling teachers. They are not only having to be their children’s teacher but they are also stuck in the house 24/7 with their children as well. This can cause tensions to run high. While some parents might be okay with this in terms of teaching, most are not. There is a reason that people do not become teachers, because being a teacher is really hard and under appreciated work. Here are 35 parents that are being honest about their homeschooling experience. Take a look and realize you are not alone.
1. Double Pay
This mom quickly realized that teachers deserved to pay double. She only has children too, can you imagine an entire classroom of students?
2. Math Class
Many parents are realizing that they are having to relearn many subjects. A big review of math is being done by parents, just to keep up with their kids! Good luck parents.
3. A Teacher’s Worth
Parents have learned that teachers are angels among us. They spend five days of their week doing more than just teach academics to children. Teachers help create little humans into kind, caring and smart people.
4. Texting
It is hard to punish a student for texting when the teacher is doing it too! Parents have to take on the role as teachers and that is not as fun as just the parent role. Everyone needs a little sneaking of texts to get through the day.
5. Troublemakers
This dad has brought school punishments into his homeschooling rules. It does not seem to scare his kids off from acting up though. Hopefully he has a better homeschooling days ahead of him.
6. Day One
It did not take long for this parent to get over homeschooling! She did not even make it past breakfast before she wanted to meltdown.
7. Facebook Memories
All parents like to take pictures to remember their kid’s childhoods. The pictures of homeschooling all look the same though for this memory. Laptops and computers have become a parent’s new best friend in helping their children learn.
8. Science Class
This parent has learned that you will take a school lesson wherever you can find one. That will include crazy messes that have occurred at the bathroom sink. If it looks like it can be a “science lesson” then it will become a science lesson.
9. Mom Life
Mom life becoming combined with homeschool life has created quite a few meltdowns and we are not only talking about the kids, it is the mom meltdowns too! This is not only hard on the kids but on parents too. They have to be a parent, housecleaner and teacher all in one.
10. Burning Down
Parents are trying their best to not let their kids realize how hard homeschooling really is. It might feel like the entire house is burning down around them, but will continue to pretend that everything is fine.
11. Ms. Trunchball
When you were a kid watching Matilda, many thought they would grow up and turn into Miss Honey if they were a teacher. Homeschooling their children has taught them that they are actually Ms. Trunchball. Life can come at you fast as an adult.
12. Teacher Life
It is ok not to be too hard on yourself as a parent right now, even teachers do not want to homeschool their own children. It is different when they are your own children and you are all stuck in the house 24/7!
13. Skate Party
These girls know that there is more of them then there is of their parents. They have used this to their advantage to create their perfect version of a school day: a skate party. Maybe they will learn something on their skates.
14. Honor Classes
This mother might not have created a traditional curriculum but at least she put her children in honor and AP classes. She is hoping her children get straight A’s in her new classes.
15. Shutdown
This dad lasted three days of homeschooling before he wanted to shut down his school as well. It seems that spring break might get here a little early in that household.
16. Struggles
Most parents are not trained teachers, so in depth explanations are hard to figure out in math. When a kid does not understand something, parents do not know how to explain it any differently. Parents have learned that not only is math hard, teaching math is just as hard.
17. Raises
As parents have to homeschool their children for longer periods of time, they are about to find out the worth of teachers. All parents will agree that teachers will deserve raises after stepping in their shoes for the rest of the school year.
18. Thankful
This is one husband that is going to appreciate his wife ten more times than he usually does. He never knew that marrying an elementary school teacher would come in handy this much, but he is sure realizing it now. He should be cooking all the meals to thank his wife.
19. Superheroes
Teachers are superheroes. That is all, that is the tweet.
20. Going Well
Homeschooling is going well for this family, if by going well you mean day drinking and fighting. Hopefully better school days are in front of them.
21. Teacher Life
This pandemic is forcing all parents to become teachers. Many people are not cut out to be teachers, which is why they did not become teachers. So being forced to be a teachers is harder for some. Good luck to all the parents that do not like teaching and even for those that do.
22. Classroom Aide’s
If professional teachers are able to get classroom aides when they need help, it would only be fair for parents to get a classroom aide. Parents should switch off teaching every other day, just so they both can get breaks at time.
23. Spirit Week
It is a great idea to try and create new and fresh ideas for your children during homeschooling. One family created a Spirit Week, but it might have fallen apart on the very first day. It was a nice effort.
24. Meltdowns
Some kids will have meltdowns over things they would not in school. When your parent is also your teacher, it is easier to act out. That includes meltdowns that a parent would never see coming like this example.
25. Attention Span
It is not only the kids with short attention spans, parents are having trouble focusing as well. When boredom starts to take over it can only mean one thing: snack time. Snacks is always a great excuse to take a quick little break.
26. Thoughts and Prayers
If thoughts and prayers will help get parents through homeschooling their children, then everyone should be sending them! The end of the school day is the bets part of any parents day during this pandemic.
27. One Week
It might only take one day or one week for a parent’s great attitude completely disappear. Miss Hannigan has never seemed so relatable as she does during these homeschooling days. Every parent wants to be a Mary Poppins but realize that might be an unattainable goal.
28. Multiplication
Parents are all starting to realize that calculators are about to be their best friends. The last time some parents figured out math problems were when they were in school themselves. Until they get the hang of math homework, calculators will save them.
29. Transfers
One problem with homeschooling is there no possibility for transferring out the problem students, because that is your own child. This is going to be a long stay-at-home order for many parents.
30. Class Schedule
This dad has created a class schedule of his own liking for his kids. It might not be traditional courses but it will let this dad keep his sanity. It is his own version of home economics, history, and quiet time.
31. World Laughing
Any parent can create any life plan for their children but one thing is for sure, it will never stay on course. When a parent tries to plan their child’s life in stone, the world will laugh and throw a wrench in their plan and that includes their school life.
32. Teacher Appreciation
Every parent/teacher conference in the future will be an entirely different conversation than before the pandemic. Instead of believing their child, parents will be more willing to completely agree and listen to the teacher. Parents have finally learned the teacher’s struggles.
33. Observations
Every parent will have different observations after homeschooling their children, but one observation will be universal: teachers deserve higher pay. For many parents, day drinking will turn into an acceptable activity to keep their sanity.
34. Frozen
There are going to be days that parents need to not be too hard on themselves. If one day includes a lot of television time, well at least you all got through the day. Thankfully Disney released Disney+ before this started.
35. Boarding Schools
Desperate times calls for desperate measures. No one can judge any parent’s Google’s searches during this pandemic. All parents are just trying to get through each day, one day at a time.
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