Kids are adorable but sometimes, they can be really funny! Most of the time, their innocent way of doing things make adults crack up and they don’t have a clue about how hilarious they are at all!
The 70 photos you’re about to see sum up the funny things kids do that leave everyone in the house rolling on the floor laughing. Read on and prepare to be in stitches!
1. He’s so ahead of the game
While some of us, adults, are trying to figure out how to find a love life, this little boy right here has more than one girl in his arms! Do we have a heartbreaker in the making here?
2. This kid who just won’t sleep
Toddlers are notorious for their unending amount of energy all balled up in their tiny little bodies. Parents are so used to them being up for hours! And sometimes, they end up doing things like this even in the middle of the night!
3. What are you doing, kid?
Kids can sometimes put their hands and fingers where they shouldn’t. This child, for example, probably got curious as to how a mannequin can look so human-like. But, why do you have to stick your tiny finer there, little girl?
4. Have you seen my lollipop?
Have you ever had a moment when you were looking for something and you realize it’s been with you all along? Oh, how we wish we can know how this little boy’s search for his lollipop ended! That would certainly be a hilarious scene!
5. How to “kiss” a dolphin
This little boy was told to gently kiss the dolphin. However, he went and licked the mammal! He certainly needs more lessons on the difference of a kiss and a lick because he might get in trouble one day because of this misunderstanding!
6. Because teddy bears are so outdated
For this little girl, nothing is more adorable and lovable than her plastic owl. She even brings the toy to sleep! Never mind the teddy bears, she’s good with her beloved owl.
Well, this isn’t exactly a funny scene but this photo will surely make you want to look again. Do you see it now? Aha! We know what you first thought!
Skittles are very popular among kids. They simply love the way the candies look and taste! Denied of his beloved Skittles, this little boy kept looking daggers at the passenger and we can totally understand!
9. When your throat hurts
When kids have boo-boos, they always run to Mom for a band-aid. Apparently, a sore throat can also be solved with a band-aid, at least according to this little child.
Someone doesn’t seem too excited about being a big sister! Or, the little girl probably did not mean it that way, but her hand gesture tells otherwise.
11. Hasn’t quite mastered hide-and seek yet
Well, at least she’s starting the get the right idea.
Now, this is one cute photobomber! She looks adorable and just loved taking photos, even if it meant jumping in another family’s photoshoot!
Kids can be very sweet when you ask them to give messages to people. But sometimes, they can be very honest and savage, too! That’s simply not something you want to say when you’re in a nursing home, kid.
14. We all love a bag like this
As adults, most of our bag preferences are the luxurious or trendy kinds. This baby right here is happy as long as her bag is full of Cheetos!
15. He’s inside a dream come true
How this little boy got inside a claw machine is simply beyond me. Look at how much fun he’s having in there!
16. When you’re too excited to swim in the pool
This little girl probably was so excited to jump in the pool that her parents didn’t have the chance to remove her diaper before she got herself all wet. The way she walked while wearing that fully soaked nappy must have given a lot of hysterics to her family!
Do we see a glimpse of the future here? This little girl will make a fine boss someday. She’s not even a teen and yet, people get awkward knowing she’s got her eyes on them!
18. Coolest kid who entered an Apple store
This uncaring and confident kid entered the Apple store and left everyone wondering who he is. This child is probably the coolest kid to enter the store and he looks totally unaware of it.
19. A Father’s Day breakfast treat
Special occasions call for special meals. This father was touched by his kids’ fathers’ day gift for him, but eating the breakfast they served is definitely a No-no.
20. Multi-tasking in a funny way
Multi-tasking is helpful, but when done in a weird way, multi-tasking become funny! Just like how this little boy decided that eating chicken wings can be done while having a bath.
Little girls may usually like princesses, but there’s one girl that appeared to be uninterested with wearing a tiara. Instead of wearing a princess’ gown on Princess day, this girl decided to come as a hotdog! You be you, kid.
22. This kid who doesn’t care about table manners
Dining in public can be really exasperating when you have a kid who doesn’t really care about table manners. This child is one of those kids, and he thinks it’s fine to eat fries upside down!
23. When you look like royalty
This kid saw a magazine with a photo of Prince George in the cover and immediately saw the resemblance! He took the magazine and firmly believed that he was that boy in the cover!
24. This celebrity look-alike
Here’s another look-alike and this time, he resembles a celebrity. Doesn’t this baby look like Cam from
Modern Family?
25. Don’t leave the grocery list anywhere
Apparently, even a grocery list left unattended can be a source of kiddie fun. A couple once forgot a shopping list and their 6-year-old son got hold of it. This is what they saw when they finally found it.
26. Introducing the “fart shoes”
Kids can show some real good potentials even at their young age. For this little kid, inventing looks like a future that is likely to happen. He invented “fart shoes” and we can’t imagine what he can come up with when he grows older!
27. This kid who knows what he’s talking about
Ricky is just 10 years old, so we are very curious about who taught this belief to a young boy. At least, that person knows what they are talking about and now, we can safely assume that Ricky will grown up to be one of the best husbands we’ll ever know.
28. This baby who looks like a celebrity master chef
We’re pretty sure you had to look really hard just to see if you are seeing the right thing. Yes, this baby looks just like celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey and we can’t help but be amazed with the uncanny resemblance!
29. She needs to work on her spelling
Oops, this little girl really needs to learn spelling. Her written words can be easily misunderstood!
Kelly Oxford’s daughter reacted quite hilariously after finding out about how animals populate. What a horrific vision that must be for this young girl!
When you want to be extra sweet for your nephew on his birthday and he didn’t like it one bit. I guess kids can be anti-social, too.
I bet the teacher did not find this kid’s answer amusing. But, at least he’s technically right! He deserves some points for that, don’t you think?
33. When a kid does your make-up
It’s always a bad idea to leave make-up in the hands of a little kid. This woman found out about that the hard way. She totally looks like a mad woman after her niece did her make-up!
34. Passive aggressive kiddo
Who knew kids can be passive aggressive, too? We usually think of kids are expressive, but I gues some kids are not as transparent.
35. A carrot-filled accomplishment
A little kid can be happy even with the littlest, or weirdest, of accomplishments. This little guy successfully placed carrots in all cabinet handles in their kitchen and he certainly looks victorious after completing such a feat!
While some kids are full of big dreams, some kids are into much simpler ones. This kid, in particular, has a very simple dream and it’s a refreshing answer in this question that we like to ask kids.
37. Just watching cartoons
Simply watching their favorite cartoons is not enough. These kids have to wear masks and we don’t really get it but who cares, right? They are relaxed and not misbehaving so that’s totally fine.
38. This young hero who knew how to take action
When in an emergency, you do everything you have to while relying on what’s within your reach at the time. This kid is not just a hero, but a smart hero who saved her mom’s life, even if it meant slapping her with a slice of pizza.
When kids are asking you weird questions, just answer them truthfully and to the best of your knowledge. They are probably experimenting and you’ll soon find out why, if you only look around carefully.
40. He slept so deeply through it all.
This is what happens when you have sisters and they love making fun of their only brother! I bet this kid will be careful not to sleep this deep ever again whenever his sisters are around.
41. This kid thought that the toilet on display is a real one
This could be a real disaster! Who can blame this innocent little guy, though? He just wanted to pee and seeing a toilet nearby, he decided to go right then and there. Let’s just hope his Momma stopped him before he even started!
When it’s your computer time, you will do all it takes just to protect it. Yes, everything, even if it meant putting Legos everywhere to keep everyone away.
43. Expectation vs. Reality
This little girl’s first day of school is a classic “expectation versus reality” moment. She thought it was going to be a really great day, until she found out she’ll be alone while in class. Poor kid.
We definitely see a glimpse of the future here. This kid knows what he believes in and he’s standing up for it!
45. He’s not wrong, though.
The teacher might not give him a point for his answer, but this kid is not exactly wrong, don’t you think? The arrow is clearly pointing that way and he’s a boy so he’s got a…
46. When your son is trying to prank you
Pranks can be done by kids even if they are young. They usually start with cute, little pranks just like this one. Let’s just hope his pranks stay adorable even as he grows up.
47. No more powdered sugar for you!
This kid must have had a really great time playing with powdered sugar. But, that was until Mom caught him in the act.
48. This cute but scary Halloween costume
Here’s a great example of a scare yet cute Halloween costume! She’s totally nailing the look of the those from the animated movie
Spirited Away but her classmate seems to be bothered by her scary costume!
Oh, no! Milk is good for little children, just as long as they don’t drink it on the floor with the kittens!
Can you imagine overhearing such a conversation? I bet this woman had a hard time containing her laughter!
51. He’s clearly not amused
Some kids love to go outside and play in amusement parks. But, this one particular kid is definitely not amused.
52. This girl got a little touchy with the princesses
This girl looks like she really love to be around princesses. She also unintentionally touch them where she shouldn’t.
53. What a patient dog she got!
While dogs are known to be very energetic and loves playing around, they can turn into really patient friends when playing with little kids. And I must say that this dog is one of the most patient ones I’ve seen so far!
54. She really named them
Oh, little Hope must have had real fun while naming the quadrilaterals! She may have answered incorrectly, but at least she had fun while doing it.
55. So bad at hide-and-seek
This kid looks like she’s having fun while playing hide-and-seek. I don’t recommend it to her though, because she’s so bad at it. She’ll probably end up as the seeker all the time!
56. At least, they listened
Kids do listen sometimes, you know. Although, they barely did it this time just to “technically” follow their Mom’s instruction.
57. When Mom says you can’t set foot outside
Technically, this kid is not setting his feet outside the house, just like what his mom said. Kid, 1 point, Mom, zero. Kid wins!
This kid tried to stop his Mom from conferencing with his teacher by doing a letter that is obviously written by him! Nice try, kid, but Mom knows better than that.
This little girl was so happy with his mermaid costume that she got that Christmas. She was so excited that she did not bother opening all her other present ever since!
60. This kid who simply wants to snorkel
Kids just do what they want sometimes. They follow their heart even if that meant snorkeling in the middle of a town’s square because he is swimming in a fountain, not in the ocean!
61. When your arms are tired, use your feet!
After reading for so long, this little girl’s arms got tired of holding the book up. And so, she decided to hold the book with her feet instead! Well played, kid.
62. When your child doesn’t want to share
When your kid is can’t eat the entire pizza but hates to share it with others, this is probably how your pizza would look like. All of these from a 4-year-old’s mind!
63. He’s soooo over shopping.
Shopping can be very exhausting! Some children are not so keen with waiting around and end up being like this truly exasperated boy. He definitely is so over shopping!
Aaw! When kids show their innocent side like this, we can’t help but wish that they remain as pure and innocent forever.
This kid is so overprotective of himself while playing “Wipe-Out” that he decided to wear a total of 30 diapers at once! Kids are really weird at times.
66. A future entrepreneur
We are definitely seeing a future entrepreneur behind all these. Only a true blue businessman will think of making his product as diverse as possible to attract more markets!
67. An epic card for Fathers’ Day
This Fathers’ day card is an epic way to describe a father. It is both literal and metaphorical, if you know what I mean.
68. This kid who can’t be bothered
Apparently, having a lot of friends will only cause trouble for this little kiddo. He definitely knows how to keep his peace, though.
69. When Mom got distracted for 30 seconds
It only takes half a minute for a child to do the biggest mess ever. So Moms, be careful especially when going shopping with your little ones!
70. He just wanted to ride the cart
Now, here’s another kid who loves weird stuff. I thought kids love to ride the top of the grocery cart, not the lower part. I guess this kid didn’t think he’s fit in the upper layer so this is what he did.
You see, kids are not just a source of cute and adorable things. They can be very funny, too! As a parent myself, here’s one thing I can assure you: these little humans will always, always be the best blessings we’ll ever receive and we love them no matter what weird and hilarious thing they do!
Source: Buzzfeed
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