When it comes to taking tests, kids are some of the most creative people that we know. They always come up with the best answers, even if those answers aren’t always correct. The kids on this list tried their hardest, but ultimately, failed in a hilarious fashion.
Even the parents and teachers were laughing about their mistakes! From mislabeled animals to fart jokes gone wrong, these awesome students know exactly how to make us laugh. Although, as far as good grades go, there is still plenty of work to be done.
When in doubt, some kids try using the universal answer. From a Christian perspective, it is totally correct. From a mathematic perspective though, not so much.
Greater than or less than comparisons might seem like common sense to adults. Not to this kid though. Yet, in a roundabout away, the student basically managed to get every answer correct.
This wise student came to the correct conclusion. The daisy is indeed a plant. However, the explanation as to why they decided that wasn’t exactly what the teacher was looking for.
The math portion of this currency question went very smoothly. However, when it came to showing their thinking, the student took it literally. They drew a picture that showed their reasoning process.
Here we have a student that really deserves some bonus stars. They went way above and beyond with their answer. Not only did they draw the square and the triangle, but they also drew “the space”.
When it comes to brains, we don’t normally think of them as being appetizing. However, when asked to describe a brain, that’s the conclusion that this kid came to. It’s an answer that we would expect from a zombie, not an elementary school student.
If you don’t know the answer to a question, one interesting strategy is to pretend that the question doesn’t exist. Maybe the teacher will forget about it. You can increase your odds of success by hiding it with white out.
According to this student, his dad only has one real fear. It’s not what you would expect. It has nothing to do with any of the typical fears that people first think of such as spiders or heights.
If we could go back in time and talk to Abraham Lincoln, we would have plenty of things to say to him. However, this student took the cake with her response. She chose to offer up the former president a sage piece of advice.
Biology class presents some interesting topics to discuss. For example, the first cells of life. What sort of experience did they have?
We’re not sure that this student gave the answers the teacher was looking for. Although, they are all factually correct. Even with our limited knowledge of science, we can confirm as much.
Could you explain the difference between hard and soft water? Unfortunately, this student couldn’t, but they did make a pretty good effort. Their answer sounds like it makes sense, at least.
When the year 1896 began, something else ended. The simplest answer isn’t always the right answer though. That’s what this student discovered.
How do you find the answer to a math question? Math, of course! It is hard to argue otherwise.
The answer the teacher was hoping for was Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The answer the student submitted, though, was way different. It did correctly describe the location of the signing though.
Instead of listing the words in alphabetical order, the student wrote them, just as the question asked. Sure, the results are sort of nonsensical. However, in the mind of a kid, it makes perfect sense.
17. Fascinating Collection
Kids are never too young to start making inappropriate jokes. Even in kindergarten, for some students, no topics are off-limits. They will tell you all about their collections in full detail.
18. Haunted House Question
Instead of answering the question, why not question the whole premise of the question itself? If you know that it is based on something that isn’t real, it’s the only logical conclusion that one can come to.
The extra credit section on a test carries no penalties if you get the answer wrong. For that reason, it only makes sense to offer up a guess. There is no reason not to.
It’s hard to blame this two-year-old for her answers. She is just being honest. Minions, baby dolls, The Rebel Alliance — those are all great. Grandpa Joe, on the other hand, not so much…
“Would you want to swim with the boy in this water?” the question reads. The student’s answer is at least partially correct. Who would want to swim with trash… and a chubby person?
The kid who came up with the answers on this science exam might not have a future working in a laboratory. However, they certainly are excelling in the subject of comedy. Their responses are hilarious.
There are a lot of social norms surrounding driving. Some are encoded in law and others are just about being a good person. This kid is picking up on the rules of the road very quickly.
This student came up with a very interesting choice of goals for the semester. Were they successful in completing them? According to the student, the answer is a definite yes.
Here we have a student that gets an A+ for effort. The funny kid completed every sentence with some well-known song lyrics from the nineties. We’re willing to bet that you recognize them.
This simple lesson was intended to teach students the concept of cause and effect. If you practice playing the piano daily over and over again, you can become really good at it. Although, it’s probably not the coolest thing to do…
The answers offered to this geography test didn’t satisfy this man’s daughter. She decided to write in her own answer. She is a student of science.
28. Kindergarten Memories
Math class was one of the highlights of the year according to this student. They are really good with numbers — much better than they are with letters. Spelling is not their primary skill.
What is a unitard? If you don’t know, there is one way to figure it out. You must consider the root of the word.
Making a Haiku is all about being creative within the confines of the rules. There must be three lines with 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively. There are all sorts of funny possibilities.
All of the animals were labeled correctly except for two of them. The student used all of the words in the list. However, they made a few minor mistakes.
The title of a lab report is the most important part. Without a good title, the rest of the report might as well not even matter. Luckily, this student stepped up to the challenge.
33. Imaginative Explanation
We’re not sure how rainbows explain that the number ten is greater than three. However, maybe that’s sort of the point. It is a very magical conclusion.
If you are pretending to push a ball, you aren’t actually pushing it, right? That’s the logic that this student used. The ball does not actually move!
Multiple students in this teacher’s class misspelled the word tongs. It’s an understandable error to make. It sounds just like the word thongs.
The student was allowed three words to describe themself. They used four. Although, we still think that they deserve to get some points anyway.
There are some things that everyone needs to know and other things that only farmers need to know. Math surrounding wheat is fully in the domain of farmers. Unless you are growing crops, there is no need to try and figure it out.
On this exam, the teacher was looking for an answer such as “x + 1 = 8”. Although, technically, the student’s answer is the simplest one. Why complicate things further?
This kid might not have chosen the most pleasant F word, but at least they didn’t choose the worst. The kid kept it PG-13 and accompanied the answer with a hilarious illustration. It all could have been so much worse.
Some people are born to be artists and others aren’t. If you don’t have any innate talent, there is no point in even bothering to try. That is what this goofy student concluded.
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When it comes to taking tests, kids are some of the most creative people that we know. They always come up with the best answers, even if those answers aren’t always correct. The kids on this list tried their hardest, but ultimately, failed in a hilarious fashion.
Even the parents and teachers were laughing about their mistakes! From mislabeled animals to fart jokes gone wrong, these awesome students know exactly how to make us laugh. Although, as far as good grades go, there is still plenty of work to be done.