No parent truly knows what they are getting into when it comes to parenthood. Parent expect the big moments such as potty training, birthdays,teaching the ABC’s and 1 2 3’s and graduations. Yet, it is the small parenting moments that many new parents do not realize will make up the majority of their parenting life. It is these small moments that will make them hysterically laugh or be in shock and awe of who their child is becoming. Every child is unique and there will be many times a parent will ask themselves, “what did I get myself into?”
Here are 40 times that children surprised their parents with epic moments they will never forget.
1. The Parent Trap
All she wanted to do was have a quick bathroom break. Her four year old took this as the perfect opportunity to trap her in the bathroom. He proudly told his mother that she was trapped and when she saw how he trapped her, she could not help but laugh and take a picture of his handiwork.
2. Closer To Death
Hey, at least she included stars in her birthday card. His daughter might only be seven but she already is familiar with the grim reaper. She also knows her “ancient” father is closer than her to meet his impending doom. What a heartwarming birthday card.
3. Soda Vs. PC
Science experiments have to start somewhere. For one three year old, she wanted to see the effects soda would have on her father’s $2000 PC. What is seen as a science experiment for a three year old is seen as a tragedy to the parent.
4. Hide And Seek
Her son found the perfect hiding spot from his mother, underneath her skirt. Not a skirt in her closet but the skirt she was wearing at that very moment. He is going to have to up his hiding game if he wants to never be caught.
5. Addicted To Cheese
She might be little but she knows what she likes and it is cheese. Who could blame her? She climbed up the refrigerator to sneak the cheese and eat it whole. Her mom never knew she would have to deal with her daughter turning into a mouse and eating all the cheese.
6. Hot Dog Wrappers
This princess does not like the wrappers on her hot dog and we are not talking about the plastic. She ate her hot dog by removing the outer layer and only eating the insides. Her picky eating is starting early.
7. Nothing To See
Sometimes it is better to just not know as a parent. Her kids might have gotten a bit crazy in their room but they all stayed on each other’s side when the mom walked in. Siblings know when it is time to unite together and keep their own secrets. Their mom might always wonder what happened but they are not going to tell until they are adults and won’t get in trouble.
Me: what is going on in there?
ME: okay that's enough *opens door*
— Sweet Momissa (@sweetmomissa) May 6, 2020
8. Close Enough
She asked for a can of olives and her daughter gave her cat food. To her daughter’s defense, at first glance 9 Lives does look very close to the word olives. To the mother’s defense, her daughter should have seen the cat and realized it was not human food.
9. Gift Box
You give your child a great present and they would rather play with the box. This is not only true for toddlers apparently because this daughter is still choosing the box over the present. Even when the present is a much comfier choice to sit on.
10. Death Glare
The father ran out of Skittles and his son was more than unimpressed, he wanted revenge. What kind of revenge can a toddler give? A death glare through the entire flight to let his father know the rage over the Skittles was not going away. Be afraid, be very afraid.
11. Royalty
This adorable Prince George lookalike believes he is the boy on the cover of the magazine. He is famous and does not know why. If he and Prince George continue to stay the same, he will have a great pick up line in his future.
12. Carrot Man
He has accomplished a goal that no one ever knew needed to be accomplished. The smile on his face is too adorable. Good job carrot man, good job.
13. Family Dog
Family dogs are the most patient dogs to ever walk the planet. They love their little ones just as much as the parents and will let the children walk all over them. In this case, place toys all over them. As long as their little buddies are happy, the family dog is happy.
14. Round Two
She is her daddy’s princess and she will not take a bath in a “dirty” bathtub. Her dad must have not been up for the impending tantrum and just went right along with this daughter. Some fights are just not worth it and running a second bath was much easier for him.
15. Poison Ivy
A nice hike on the trails turned into a massive allergic reaction for this mama. She let her daughter ride on her shoulders during the hike. Her daughter’s wandering hands just had to touch all the leaves throughout the walk and that, unknowingly, included poison ivy. This mama’s poor face!
16. Suit Of Armor
This ten year old was so proud of his personal suit of armor he wanted his dad to share it with everyone. He is the knight of the house and will protect everyone with his Capri-Sun sword. Fight on son, fight on.
17. Redecorating
This mom has no idea when her daughter sneakily added some googly to this picture. It could have been like this for months without anyone noticing. When she finally did notice she could not help but laugh over her daughter’s handiwork.
18. Brotherly Love
The bond between brothers is unlike any other. The youngest son made a blanket fort and invited his 6″4′ older brother to hang out with him. Of course his brother agreed, even if he did not fit. It is moments like this that make a parent’s heart melt.
19. Yes He Will
Sometimes parents just have to let their children’s imagination run wild at the expense of the other parent. Every parent needs a good laugh and this mom was not going to let this chance go by. The mother did update everyone to let them know the dad did love it and get a great laugh too.
3yo (in bathroom): Mummy, can I put this sticker on Daddy's card?
Me (in bed): Yes.
3yo: Will he love it?
Me: Yes.— Sarah Dempster (@Dempster2000) June 21, 2015
20. Happy Father’s Day
It is all about the effort and not the outcome at times. His kids wanted to make their dad a special Father’s Day breakfast and they did. It might not be edible but it was totally them.
The kids have made me breakfast.— joe heenan (@joeheenan) June 19, 2016
21. The Grocery List
Never let a six year old make the shopping list. One six year old got a hold of the shopping list and went bananas. It was not all about butts at first, if you notice he was able to sneak in one other item right under “Maggie’s Milk.”
My brother & his wife left a shopping list unattended, their 6-year-old son got to it, and …
— Anne B (@abroshar) March 26, 2016
22. The Never-ending Dollar
If her four year old was not going to notice, how was she going to pass up the opportunity to reuse the same dollar? This mom is probably hoping her daughter never will notice but eventually she will. Enjoy the never-ending dollar bill while it lasts.
We’ve been giving my 4-year-old a dollar for every time she does a chore.
She leaves the dollar in random places and forgets about it – so we’ve been using the same dollar over and over again.
You call it unfair – I call it finders keepers and teaching valuable life lessons.
— Amanda Marcotte | Mediocre Mommy (@storiesofamom) April 18, 2020
23. First Crush
He was in the midst of his first crush during Halloween time. When he found out she was dressing as grapes, he wanted to match. His parents helped him out and look out adorable the results were. Love at first grape.
24. Too Far
He started throwing a temper tantrum because the pennies were too far away. Yes, too far away. Every parent knows the struggle of a child’s temper tantrum over nothing. As a parent do you ignore it or take a picture and show it to the understanding world of other parents?
25. Playing Office
Never leave a child alone with an expensive object, especially toddlers. A two year old wanted to play office, so her father left her unattended with an old, but working, laptop. When he returned he was greeted with a laptop and a messed up keyboard. She plays office very differently than actual adults.
26. One Size Does Not Fit All
His son was gifted a growing dinosaur. He put it in a small glass and so the head left the water quickly. His son was left with a mega dinosaur with a tiny head. The head fits his arms but not the rest of the body.
27. Mimosa Juice
There are always moments in parenting where you really miss life before kids. Arianna had this moment when her mimosa juice, a.k.a orange juice, turned into only kid juice. There is no more at home lazy brunch days with mimosas and no cares. The mimosa juice is only for the kids and the champagne is up high and untouched.
The kids are using up all of my mimosa juice. I hate it here.
— Arianna Bradford (@thearibradford) March 30, 2020
28. Dad Manual
Parenting is a on the job, learn as you go experience. No matter how many parenting books you buy, they will not cover it all. This dad realized there was going to be no dad manual on how to get your child to stop biting the walls. His three old has destroyed his walls and he has no clue how to get him to stop.
29. RIP AirPods
When his AirPods went missing he searched high and low for three days. On the third day his two year old decided to give him a hint, check the orange juice. RIP AirPods and welcome to the terrible two’s dad.
30. Sounds About Right
It was not Mother’s Day yet, so this argument did not count. Maybe they were just trying to get their arguing out of their system before the big day, or they just can’t help themselves. A mom’s wish of no arguing might sound like a pipe dream but it is still worth asking for.
My kids asked me what I wanted for Mother’s Day & I said for there to be no arguing & then they all started arguing about who would probably be the first one to start an argument.
— Sarcastic Mommy (@sarcasticmommy4) May 7, 2020
31. Learning On The Dog
Family dogs, like we said earlier, are the most patient of dogs. A mom found their family dog with a new fur-style because her 8 year old daughter recently learned how to french braid. The perfect way to perfect the french braid was to practice on the patient family dog.
32. It’s Nap Time
He broke the cheese in half for his son and the son went bonkers. It is officially nap time for this little boy. He is not crying over spilled milk but he is crying over broken cheese. How dare his father break his cheese.
33. Shopping With Kids
Shopping is never the same once you have children. The joy of browsing the mall is dead and gone if you have to bring your child. Exhibit A is this little boy throwing all the shirts on the ground. You can not turn around for one second without your child trying to cause havoc in some way.
34. No Privacy
Parents and privacy are two words that do not go together. You cannot even have a bathroom break without your child wanting to be involved in some way or another. Her son started to cry heavily when his mother flushed the toilet without him. Goodbye privacy, hello parenthood.
35. His New Bed
When their son was not in his bed, his parents went searching and found him fast asleep on the bathroom counter. The lights were off and his hand was in the sink with the faucet still going full blast. He must have had a long day to not even make it to his bed.
36. No Reasoning
There are moments during parenting when there is just no reasoning with your child. He started crying because he did not want to go anywhere. They tried to explain they were not going to leave but he did not care about their words. Apparently he just wants to cry and has found his reason to cry, even if it does not make any sense.
37. No Problem!
She asked her daughter to go to Walmart and pick up four or five bandannas. Her daughter told her no problem but came home with four bananas. Of course the daughter will blame her mom for the miscommunication because teenagers are never wrong. Just ask one.
38. Shots Fired
His five year old is already throwing shots at him and he has direct aim. All children believe their parents to be older than they really are but not children can throw such good shade at such a young age. This dad better watch out, his son’s wit is only going to get better with age.
5-year-old: Dad, when you were a kid, was there technology?
Me: Of course.
5: Like fire?
— James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) April 25, 2020
39. Screen Time
Parents do not want their children to get too much screen time but all can admit that screen time is the best break a parent can have. Once you give your phone to your child they will be happily amused for however long they are allowed. Yet, once you get your phone back many parents realize their children love to take 100 photos of nothing. Please meet the camera roll of every parent that lets their child play on their phone.
40. Stuck And Scared
It might not be logical but logic has never stopped a child from being fearful of nothing. He believes he is stuck in that position and he truly believes it. His fear is real, even if it does make a parent silently giggle to themselves.
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