Parenting is hard, that’s a fact. While there are many things that make it difficult, perhaps the hardest thing to get used to is the sleep deprivation. It was once used as a form of torture and now we know why. These parents are exhausted!
1) Accept Defeat
This mom says, “Sometimes we just have to accept defeat…” and every parent can feel that. Living up to someone else’s expectations on parenting never works out. This woman is not just a mom, but a cardiologist too.
2) When You Lose Your Phone
Before becoming a parent, you probably always knew where your phone was, but afterwards, it can get away from you. This mom somehow left her phone in the fridge and couldn’t find it for hours.
3) Could Be Worse
Not all parents have the stomach to do this but a lot of them do. I mean, when it’s your own kid, all of those gross things they do feel connected to you, almost as if you’re doing them yourself. So a little chewed food isn’t all that bad.
4) Never Fully Ready
This mom went to pick her kid up from school after taking a shower and forgot to take the towel out of her hair. When you’re a parent, it feels like you’re always in a hurry and can never catch up.
5) Just Eat It Like That
This is fairly common. You put the formula in your cup and your coffee in the bottle. There are many variations, but it always starts with a mixed up subconscious mind that’s trying to do your work for you.
6) That’s Why We Have Feet
Raising one baby is hard, but raising two babies can feel impossible. Sometimes, your arms need a break lest they give out. So using your feet to give your hands a break is actually a good idea.
7) Extra Clean
There’s nothing quite like dropping your fabric softener into the washer. Except of course not noticing that you did so and letting it go through the wash. This mom didn’t find out until she opened the washer after the clothes were done.
8) The Start Of Something New
This dad accidentally put coffee grounds into his kids’ waffle mix. Which isn’t a bad idea for adults, but that extra caffeine probably wouldn’t be the best thing for kids. But now I can’t stop thinking about mocha pancakes.
9) The Girl Is Not Impressed
This doll went through the wash and did not have a good time. The daughter here looks displeased but understands what her mom did. How do so many things that aren’t supposed to go in the wash sneak in there?
10) The Perfect Combo
If you don’t have Tylenol and coffee on a regular basis, you’re either an overachiever or you’re not doing parenting right. The combo is a necessity, especially early on as a parent. If you’re a drinker, a little wine is a great addition.
11) Classic Mom Brain
As a mom, you dress your kid more often than you dress yourself, so it’s easy to see how this mom got confused. She tried to put socks on herself, but ended up using her kid’s sock instead.
12) Not That Kind Of Meltdown
All this dad wanted was to eat a frozen pizza. But he forgot that he left the bottles in the oven to dry and started the pre-heater. That left them without any bottles, a mess to clean up, and a huge delay on the pizza.
13) Having Full Conversations
There’s no time like the time spent with a newborn to daydream, have conversations with yourself, and make up jokes that make no sense to anyone else. They call parenting talk insane, but we all do it.
14) From Sad To Angry
This dad didn’t know what to do to make his kid stop crying so he just entertained himself. He drew angry brows on her and it entertained them both. Do not try this at home, or at least don’t tell anyone about it.
15) Resting Parent Face
You know the dark circles, saggy skin, and that look. The look that is either void of emotions or hysterical. There really isn’t an in-between with parents that are exhausted, they live on a different plane.
16) When It’s All That’s Left
When washing a dish is the last thing on earth that you want to do, you will use whatever you can find. That’s why this mom is getting her energy through this baby bottle. The lid wasn’t necessary but it is more fun.
17) Not A Lego To Be Seen
You will definitely have Disney songs stuck in your head if you’re a parent, so you might as well make it interesting and switch up the lyrics. They may not make sense, but it gives you something to do.
18) Just A Trip To The Store
When “normal people” go to town, they have to get their wallet and that’s it. But when a parent leaves the house, they have to pack up like they are going on a cross-country trip. Because we’ve all tried to travel light and it was miserable.
19) Trying To Make Them Cry?
All any parent wants is for you to tell them that they are doing good. Especially new parents. Everything they do is judged and all they want is to know that their kid is going to turn out alright.
20) Gotta Put Everything Away
It’s hard to get everything straight when your brain feels like mush. We all put things away in the wrong place and this one makes more sense than most. They put the keys away with the other keys!
21) They Don’t Even Feel The Same
This usually only happens with flip flops but it’s not unheard to happen with other shoes. As a parent, you get dressed as fast as you can and slip on whatever it is that’s in front of you. You may find out later you’ve made some mistakes.
22) The Hotel Dream
Try telling any parent that they can spend the night alone in a hotel and they just might cry. There’s nothing that is more alluring than the thought of spending the night completely alone on a soft bed.
23) You Know The Drill
You know how it goes. You’re trying to put the new mirror up and the kids are asking a million questions. You try to answer them all, fix lunch, and get the repairs done. Something is bound to end up in the wrong place.
24) If That’s What They Want
I’m not sure if this was the dad’s idea or the kids’ idea, but they sure look happy about it. Kids love crawling in small spaces that they’re not supposed to be, but I don’t think this one will fly under the radar.
25) There Should Be
Sleep deprivation makes you feel like a zombie, so this reference hit the mark. Why is it that when you get passed that exhaustion point, your eyes get wide and you can hardly even close them?
26) It Goes Both Ways
Putting crackers or dishes in the fridge isn’t a big deal, but when you put a fridge or freezer item in the cabinet, it’s ruined. This mom left her cornish hen in the cupboard and it looks like they’re ordering pizza now.
27) Misplacing Everything
This hilarious mom misplaced her pen for several minutes. She didn’t find it until she looked down and impaled her nostril. That’s gotta hurt! Luckily, the only one who saw was her child, her told her she was embarrassing.
28) She’s Not Tired
It’s funny how, according to toddlers, they are never tired. They all have a case of “fear of missing out” that prevents them from wanting to go to sleep. If only they could be as sleepy as their parents.
29) Every Mom’s Dream
I’m pretty sure this is the vision that most moms have in their head. Their good-looking husband cooking breakfast in their million dollar house while babysitting. Yes, this is just a dream.
30) Crying It Out Doesn’t Work
Most parents will agree that the cry it out method feels so wrong. Most of us end up secretly letting our kids get really clingy and hoping they’ll eventually grow out of it and sleep in their own bed.
31) We’ve All Done It
Who hasn’t put the coffee cup upside down and turned the Keurig on? It may not happen regularly, but it’s bound to happen once in a while. You have a lot of other stuff to do, making coffee right can’t be the focus.
32) Like They Have Room To Talk
Who cares what the other moms think? They all go through the same things even if they pretend they don’t. Let’s stop judging each others parenting and focus on our won, sleep deprivation and all.
33) Cut The Wrong Card
This dad had one of his credit cards deactivated so he cut it up. Only, he cut up the wrong one due to his exhaustion. That leaves him without any until he gets a new one back in the mail. Bummer.
34) Say That Again
Almost every mistake a parent of a newborn makes is due to lack of sleep. They don’t train you for this and thank God they don’t because your time before you’re a parent is your last chance to enjoy a full eight hours.
35) She Forgot Her Wallet
This mom got all of her groceries bagged and realized that she forgot her wallet. Now she either has to leave them all or have someone bring her the money. There is no easy answer here.
36) His Angel Was Watching
This guy left the keys in the car for five hours and no one touched them. The gods must be smiling down on him because he still has a car. Sometimes you need a break, especially when you’re tired enough to do this.
37) How Are They Getting Enough?
When you sleep every chance that you can and they are the ones who aren’t tired, it’s confusing. You sleep when they sleep and they need more sleep than you, shouldn’t they be the ones who are sleepy?
38) The Hair Is Good For Something
His hair doesn’t provide full support but the extra support is beneficial. He knew that the dreads would help him become a better parent and he was right. Plus, they are really fun to play with.
39) Everyone Loves Pet Rocks
There’s a reason pet rocks are a thing. Kids love them, especially when they are unique. When you forget what it’s like to be a delighted child, remember how you feel when you take that first sip.
40) At Least He Tried
This dad was excited about making cookies for his family, but soon found out it was more of a chore than he thought. He got distracted and forgot about them while they burnt away in the oven.
41) Two Days Later
This mom left pancakes in the microwave for two days before she noticed them. She must not use her microwave much, but one thing we all understand. Skipping meals becomes a common thing when you’re a parent.
42) Use That Fifteen Minutes
When you’re a parent, you look for small ways to get a break. Sometimes it’s a friend offering to help and sometimes it’s a nap. When this happens, you use those few minutes wisely because you don’t know when you’ll get more.
43) There’s No Parabens
This parent nearly brushed their teeth with facial moisturizer. But you know, you do what you can to practice personal hygiene and it doesn’t always work out. When you’re a parent, self-care never takes precedence.
44) She Doesn’t Really Care
You know, finding the baby’s bodily fluids on your clothing doesn’t even startle most parents. They simple change, or in some cases, forget it and get that ten minutes of sleep they’ve been craving.
45) No One Knows
This mom was upset when she found the iPad in the washing machine. She has no idea if she did it, her husband did it, or a kid did it. But it happened and it was nearly a disaster. That iPad is the babysitter!
46) Can’t Hold On Much Longer
If you get your kid on a pacifier, you better keep a few spares around the house, car, and diaper bag. In the middle of the night, you will be frantic, searching for one of them. The worst thing you can do is get them used to one specific pacifier.
47) She’s A Heavy Drinker
This dad accidently but the bottle nipple on the milk and kind of liked how it looked. He was exhausted so it was more entertaining to him than it normally would be, but that in itself makes it more entertaining.
48) At Least Once A Week
This mom swears she tries to open the door with her car keys at least once a week and that is completely relatable. It doesn’t happen as much the other way around for some reason. Maybe it’s the way that the keys feel.
49) Natural Parent
If you’re married and you’re a parent, the two can often blend together. You will become more nurturing to your spouse and have a good sense of humor with your kids. This family is holding on to the dynamic.
50) Let The Heart Speak
This mom accidentally made her son wear a wine-colored shirt because that’s what she was craving. Either that, or the wine-colored shirt made her crave wine. What came first, the chicken or the egg?
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