Having to isolate at so long at home due to the pandemic has been a make-or-break for most families: you either bond like never before, or you end up having the most explosive fall-0ut in family history.
Luckily, for most families, COVID has been a strangely positive occurrence.

Being stuck inside for hours on end, with many of us working from home or having lost our jobs, is naturally boredom-inducing. And we’ll do anything to fight that boredom, no matter how weird it might be.
This has led a lot of families to take up singing and dancing – and not the professional sort, either.
Hilarious spoof videos are cropping up all over the internet, and this is one of the funniest.

It features Ali Hoffman, her dad Michael, and her mom, dancing in their kitchen to Jess Glynne’s “Hold My Hand”.
It’s funny enough watching most parents trying to dance, but the choreography in this video is what really makes it one of the best of the best.
As the familiar opening chords of the song kicks in, Ali stands alone in the kitchen.

She mimes playing the piano, then sings along to the opening lyrics, completely straight-faced.
By the end of the first verse, dad Michael comes into the kitchen, looking as if he’s mimicking a steam train with his dance moves.

As his daughter mimes along to the lyrics, Michael does the background “ooh”ing, taking his role very seriously.
Still with straight faces, the pair continue to mime along to the song, and Michael continues his steam train dancing.

Ali and Michael stand together, and Michael unleashes some funky dance moves, at one point wiggling his hips, then lifting his arms in the air and gazing at the sky.

As if it couldn’t get any funnier, when the chorus hits, the pair launch into a choreographed hand-wobble.

Jumping about excitedly, they wiggle their fingers, Michael sporting a cheesy grin that somehow makes his dance moves even more ridiculous.

There are so many parts of the dance that make you laugh out loud, and they usually involve Michael’s antics. He slides, he jives, he waves his arms about with one-hundred percent enthusiasm.

By the last chorus, we learn that the family has another surprise for us – Michael’s wife.
She dances into the kitchen, looking slightly more embarrassed, but still with the right level of enthusiasm.

What has undoubtedly made this video such a viral hit is that the Hoffman family clearly don’t care about looking silly if it means they can have a good time – and cheer others up while they’re at it.
The video was posted in March, and already has nearly 2 million views.

In a follow-up video called “CoVid viral video… here’s what we’ve learned so far!” Michael and Ali talk about the ups and downs of becoming famous online.
Michael admitted that he feels almost the “recipient” of the phenomenon, after being made into GIF and appearing on “Greatest Stay At Home Videos”. He added:
“I think the biggest message and the lessons that I take away from this is how much influence a little bit of joy has.”

It’s true – we love Michael and his family, even knowing nothing about them aside from their crazy dance moves!
If you haven’t seen the video of the Hoffman family dancing yet, you’re missing out! You can click “play” below to watch it now.
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