Oh, siblings. You can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them. For some of us, our siblings are our best friends. For others, brothers and sisters can prove to be a bit of a nuisance.
One thing is for certain, the little girl in this video absolutely adores her baby brother.
Her name is Bella, and she’s five years old. She’s the big sister to a little boy who is absolutely adorable — he appears to be a year old or so. Both of them are out of this world adorable.
As you’ll see in the video below, Bella is absolutely in love with her little brother and is happy to assist her parents in keeping him company. The sibling duo is the most precious thing you’ll ever lay eyes on.
Bella’s parents begin filming as she sits with her baby brother on her lap — the cuteness that ensues is out of control.

Apparently, Bella is known to be a bit of a singer and does it quite often. She might not know the exact lyrics of the songs she sings, but it doesn’t matter because she’s so adorable.
As the sweet little girl sits with her baby brother, she serenades him with her own crazy cute rendition of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Bella hasn’t quite nailed down the proper lyrics to the song.
Her little, toddler brother adoringly looks up at his sister as she sings him a children’s lullaby.

Bella gently holds her little sibling’s hand as she sings the classic song. Her yellow bow in her hair just adds to the overall cuteness factor of the video. It’s one of the sweetest moments between a brother and a sister.
As Bella’s mom is filming the adorable interaction, she can’t help but let out a chuckle as her daughter sings the incorrect lyrics to the well-known song. It’s too cute not to laugh.
The video might be less than 30 seconds long, but it’s some of the sweetest 30 seconds you’ll ever watch.
We’re sure that Bella is going to be a wonderful big sister and great role model for her baby brother.
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