There’s no one in life quite like mom.
From the moment eyes open to the first step and to many other achievements, mothers will always be there to support and when needed give a little push. And not just in our world. Animal moms are amazing too.
Take this little colt. He’s trying to jump over a wall. Maybe he’s not strong enough yet or his technique is not on point. Well here comes mom! Like many things in life, she teaches her son to overcome the challenge. It’s a really cool moment that the internet cannot get enough of it.

This young soon to be stallion can be seen pacing restlessly along a white wall built in to the grass.
It is a fenced off yard where he is meant to stay in. Mom though decided to jump to the other side and like any child, the colt didn’t want to get left behind. But mom is bigger and stronger!
The bricks aren’t really that high but for a young one, it would be very daunting.

Momma mare then saw her baby couldn’t get over the wall.
Well this mom took the internet’s hearts with this one. She goes back and jumps over again to her child and seeing as, for whatever reason, he couldn’t get over the wall, she would demonstrate it to her offspring. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for, young colt!
With a little guidance from a cool demonstration, mom takes her young to the other side of the farm and then like a plane getting ready for flight, she starts running gracefully with her young one in pursuit.

Mama don’t dance but mama can rock n roll.
There really is an unspoken beauty in a horse’s movements and this mare is no different. She gracefully trots slowly picking up speed, her movements strong and smooth. The colt then flexes his little muscles and follows like a small car revving up behind a big SUV.
When mom reaches her desired speed, she times her spot and jumps perfectly clearing the wall. That demonstration was all the motivation the young colt needed. He gets up to speed and with renewed confidence, muscles up and clears the wall too!

Everyone enjoys a little horsepower every now and then.

He’s got heart and it is a strong heart the same as his mom’s!
There are 7 common fears that an anxious horse can have. Equisearch says on their site,
“The objects that horses most commonly find terrifying include: rocks, farm equipment, cars, buildings, jumps, garbage cans and pretty much anything they consider out of the ordinary.”

Horses are known to be reactive and are often anxious over many things.
Mom’s actions are remarkable and it goes to show that a mother will do anything for their young. The video has been viewed over 5.6 million times and is a true testament to the powerful message it brings.

It is a touching and powerful moment that speaks volumes of what moms are like.
For most people, mom will always be mom no matter how old they are, where they are in life, and whatever life brings them. There is nothing quite like a mother’s heart.

See how this cool mare guides her colt to clear the wall in the video below
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Source: YouTube, Equisearch