Being a parent is blissful and incredible. It’s also stressful and can seemingly drive you crazy.
The peaceful moments where you rock your baby to sleep are ones you want to cling to forever. Then there are the all-night screaming sessions where you want to plug your ears and hide.
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Parenting is like a rollercoaster ride where you go from exhilarating to terrified in a second. But parents figure it out and adapt what works best for them.
Cradling a baby one way might not soothe a different infant. One lullaby may help a baby slip off to slumber while that same song could make a sibling scream bloody murder.
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Parents will testify that they tend to learn as they go, especially with their firstborn. Chloe Dunstan of Perth, Australia, and her hubby Rohan “Ro” learned several years ago they were expecting a fourth baby when their kiddos were ages 3, 2 and 1.
Shockingly their fourth pregnancy resulted in triplets!
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Chloe, then 22, and her husband Ro, then 26, were about to become parents of six kiddos under the age of three: Evan, 3, Otto, 2, and Felix, 1.
The triplets were born in July: Pearl, Rufus, Hank. Every day as wee ones, the triplets would go through an average of six onesies, 20 bottles and 25 diapers.
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The challenges of raising multiples are seemingly endless. Twins means twice the chaos and triplets means, well, brace yourself. Quads and more equates to the fact that you’re going to need some extra hands around to help you out.
Mom Jaime Cohen Pickles has twins and recommends parents of multiples keep their kiddos on a schedule, “no matter what.”
“If one wakes up, wake up the other! If one eats, it’s time for the other to eat!”
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When multiples are younger, it’s easier to bathe one while the others are in an infant bouncy seat or similar safe option. Katie Belt, mom of twins, would wash up one babe with the twin would chill in an infant seat.
“When I was done bathing and dressing one, I would switch them out.”
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Dressing multiples should be an Olympic sport. It seems as if the second one baby is dressed, another has yanked off its socks or upchucked on a clean pair of jammies.
Chloe captured Ro using his own special technique for diapering, dressing and swadding his six kiddos. In the video, the kids are ages four, three, almost two and 10-month-old triplets.

There are six piles of necessities including a fresh diaper, jammies and a swaddling blanket for each of the babies and jammies and undies for the older three kiddos. Ro brings out Pearl, quickly dries her off, dresses her and leaves her crawling and playing with a diaper long enough for him to grab her brother.
He snags baby No. 2, promptly dries him off, diapers and dresses him, then turns him loose. Ro kisses the fussy brother and gives the two triplets a pacifier.

They entertain each other by destroying dad’s piles while Ro brings out the third triplet, dries him off, diapers and dresses him. He also receives a pacifier.
The triplets sit patiently together until they get a wee bit antsy and one brother destroys a pile of clothes and flings a diaper. Dad emerges with the older three kiddos and swiftly dries them off, dresses them, then has them sit down against the wall.

Ro swaddles each baby and it seems a bit chaotic, but he gets the job done! Each older sibling holds a baby and sure enough, Ro is victorious! This system seems to work wonders for his family.
It’s a good thing Ro has bathtime and bedtime down pat, because the couple announced on Mother’s Day that they’re now expecting twins!

Watch him in the video below and prepare to be impressed. Do you have any tips or tricks you’d like to share?
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