Pregnant mom carrying twins water breaks then phone rings & she learns husband positive for COVID-19
Jen was expecting twins, but what she wasn't expecting was her pregnancy to take a turn when her water broke and she got an alarming phone call.
Catherine Marucci

Expecting a baby is an exciting time in every parent’s life. You’re about to bring a new person into the world and meet your son or daughter for the first time.

It can also be scary. There are new responsibilities, especially if you are a first-time parent. There are also a lot of possible complications that may occur during labor.

Ten minutes after her water broke, a whole new set of unexpected complications occurred for one very pregnant mom.

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WenPhotos via Pixabay

When it rains, it pours

Jen and Andre Laubauch were expecting their twins to be delivered by C-section in May. They were also fighting off a virus. Because of this, doctors insisted that Andre be tested for COVID-19.

The couple sat at home, waiting for the call to find out what the test results would be.

While they were still waiting, Jen went into labor, and her water broke. Before she even had a chance to get in the car, the phone rang.

Andre’s COVID-19 test results were in – they were positive for the virus.

Finding a way

Andre was already too sick to drive, even before the added news about the test results, and Jen needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible. There really wasn’t any time to spare.

While Jen hadn’t been tested for the virus yet, she knew she should assume she had it because her husband did. Because of this, she didn’t want to potentially expose anyone else by asking them for a ride to the hospital.

The solution?

She decided to drive herself, in labor with twins, to the hospital.

On arrival

Thankfully, she and the babies made it through the drive unharmed, although we can only imagine what her stress levels were like while behind the wheel.

Jen is going to be one tough mom.

She was rushed into delivery with Doctor Deborah Mikula.

Two special deliveries

Because of the COVID-19, everything was a lot more complicated than normal birth, which isn’t exactly easy to begin with!

Every time someone entered the room, they had to put on a second mask, plus hair protection, plus a gown, booties, and gloves. And it wasn’t even just one or two pairs of gloves. They had to wear three pairs.

This was to protect everyone in the room, including the medical staff, mother, and most importantly – the two newest additions who would be arriving shortly.

Jen felt grateful for the people who were in the room. She knew it was hot and sweaty inside of all of that extra protective gear and that they were going through a lot to make sure that she had a safe labor and that her twins would come into the world all right.

And they did.

Jen Laubach via the Detroit Free Press
Jen Laubach via the Detroit Free Press

She gave birth to twin boys, Mitchell and Maxum.

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MSNBC via YouTube

Waiting to meet you

The boys were put in their own room to keep them quarantined. They weighed between three and four pounds. They were healthy, but due to their size, it would be a little while before they could leave the hospital, even if COVID-19 wasn’t a factor.

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MSNBC via YouTube

However, it was, and it meant that Jen and her husband could not physically hold their babies. They would have to wait three more weeks before they would be cleared to finally hold their sons in their arms.

Troy Beaumont via the Detroit Free Press
Troy Beaumont via the Detroit Free Press

It was difficult waiting, but all worth it in the end.

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