Parents Hit Record To Capture Two-Month-Old’s First Word
I heard it plain as day. <3
Kathleen Shipman

Watching all your baby’s new milestones is exciting for any parent.

From the first time they smile, roll on their belly, or take their first step – each moment is unforgettable and melts your heart into a puddle.


One of these moments that moms and dads look forward to is, of course, their baby saying their first word. While babies are known to coo and gurgle, there comes a point when you finally hear something that makes sense!

It’s both thrilling and has you double-checking that your ears weren’t playing tricks.

Pixabay/boeunyoung kim
Pixabay/boeunyoung kim

The set of parents in the video below were over the moon when they thought they heard their son’s first word. Interestingly though, he was only two-months-old!

They decided to pick up the camera and try and capture what they heard on film. It starts with the mom encouraging the baby to talk by saying, “Come on, you can say it. I know you want to talk.”

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YouTube Screenshot

But instead of busting out the word, the little guy smiles beautifully at his parents. Aww!

Since the baby is only two-months-old it’s hard to believe he can actually say a word. However, mom seems pretty sure of his ability and pushes on. She assures him, “You can talk to me!”

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YouTube Screenshot

That’s when he says it… “Mom!”

Wait, did I just hear that? It sure sounds like he said “mom!” It’s also what the parents in the video heard too.

The What to Expect website points out that for babies, “da-da” seems a little easier to say than “ma-ma.”


So, moms shouldn’t be surprised if that’s what comes out of their child’s mouth first. But in this case – mom totally wins the prize!

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It’s not the only time he says it either.

Okay, thinking you hear a word come out of a baby’s mouth is one thing – but hearing it multiple times is another. Mom again says to him, “Come on, you can talk to me…” At this point, he says “mom” again!

You can hear the word loud and clear, which is pretty amazing, especially since he’s so young. Perhaps he’s just trying to sweeten mom up to get more feeding times, or maybe he’s getting an early start on being her chat buddy!

Regardless, it’s just too darn cute.

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The mom keeps encouraging her baby to say the word. It’s not surprising because it’s really fun to hear.

Yet, instead of saying “mom,” he communicates back with some adorable infant sounds typical of a two-month-old. They may not be words, but it’s still just as sweet.

According to WebMD, babies start babbling at about six months with sounds such as “da-da” or “ba-ba.” The site points out that it’s typically “random syllables” without comprehension or meaning behind them.

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YouTube Screenshot

WebMD also explains that talking to your baby at this stage is extremely important. They say:

“Even though 2-month-old babies can’t talk back, they will respond to the sound of your voice, and it will encourage them to start forming their own first words in the coming months.”

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YouTube Screenshot

The video has been “liked” more than 102K times since it was uploaded. It’s a memory these parents (especially mom) will never forget – but we’re really glad they shared it with the world too!

Watch the clip below to hear this baby’s “first word.” Do you hear “mom?”

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