Toddlers. All those emotions, so new and so raw, trapped in those little bodies without necessarily knowing how to deal with them. When they’re happy, they scream with glee, laughing their precious hearts out. When they’re sad, they scream and cry. And when a toddler is mad?

Well let’s ask Josie. You see, this little one is upset. Boiling mad and hurt at something that’s happened to her. Josie trusted Mimi and yet, Mimi has done something so unspeakable (lol) and rude that it has made Josie stop talking to her.
“Because she’s saying bad words!”

Josie explains. We agree, little one. It is totally reprehensible and unbecoming of someone when they use “bad” words. But kudos to this brave little girl for speaking her mind! Most adults wouldn’t even dare do so.

Eric, Josie’s father, uploads a lot of videos involving Josie. To this father, his daughter is the comedian he gets his giggles from. Apparently, Josie is the daughter father’s love and others would love to hate but can’t. She’ll either snitch on you or love you, so be careful.

Josie is smart too.
She knows the differences between “good” words and “bad” words. Not including the babbling kind mind you. It hurt her feelings and she wants to make sure people know about it.
Thing is, most toddlers would vent and do god knows what else. Not Josie, she’s learned to express herself verbally, something not all toddlers can do. But no worries if your little one would shout or cry, just coach them in the right direction.

Here’s the tricky part. Josie claims this happened and so and so, right? Well what about Mimi? What’s her side of the story?
Let’s examine. Josie claims Mimi used “bad” words. Now to us adults, well… you know. But to toddlers?

Well the late great comedian, George Carlin, discussed the words that you cannot use on television. Famous seven words that were considered to be unsuitable and deplorable for public broadcast.
Now we, as adults, are very familiar with these words.
However, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, let us examine those claims. Did Mimi indeed use any of those words? And more importantly, which one did she use to upset Josie?

Josie repeats her frustrations,
“It’s not funny, Mimi, I told you!”
Remember that kids don’t really know what they are feeling. Sure she’s upset, but her “anger” could possibly mean “upset” as her feelings were offended. If it goes against her beliefs then of course she’d get offended.

Her “lawyers” can be heard trying to reason with her.
They don’t think Mimi used a “bad” word at all. Not even close. But Josie certainly knows how to voice out. She makes it known to all present that she will not stand for it.

She’s really well spoken for a little girl her age too. This courtroom drama becomes more interesting by the second. But you decide. Whose side are you on here? Josie believes that the “bad” word used was too horrible. She wants justice served.
To be honest, as an observer, it didn’t seem all that bad. Maybe dismiss the hearing for another day? Like… let the defense rest.

Exercise your better judgement as you listen to Josie in the hilarious video below.
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Source: YouTube, anxious toddlers