Court proceedings across the country have been postponed due to government-mandated regulations aimed at stopping the spread of coronavirus.
While this might be a lucky thing for people trying to avoid paying pesky parking tickets, it’s had a devastating effect on families who are trying to adopt children.

The Parsons really wanted to make sure the adoption of their 7-year-old son Dominic was a ceremonial affair.
Instead, the court proceedings at the courthouse were canceled.
They were rescheduled as a conference call.

Christopher and Tania had already adopted a child, the now 13-year-old Angel, and hoped Dominic’s adoption would feel just as special as Angel’s.
“We knew how exciting Angel’s adoption was and how much she loved her special day and how memorable it was,” Tania told ABC News. “Which we wanted to do again.”

Christopher said the family felt the change was a “big bummer” but decided to make the best of the still special day.
Christopher told ABC News that he was “so excited” that “he’s still gonna be our son officially.”
Judge John F. Cherry said even though Dominic’s adoption proceedings were done over the phone, it was still “certainly an emotional one.”

“You two angels, your husband and wife are going to guarantee a life of happiness and love for this child. And the court is so grateful to you for stepping up and wanting to be those angels on Earth for this child,” Judge Cherry told the Parsons.

Judge Cherry was glad to see such a celebratory occasion taking place during these times which have become very uncertain for many families.

“I’ve worked with children for the balance of my life and it has a great effect on me personally because I’m there for the worst part of the matter,” Judge Cherry said. “That is the horrific scenarios that deal with these children who are removed from homes. And then you see the reverse.”

“Children are so resilient who are in loving and caring homes — who come in totally transformed.”
Judge Cherry usually sets up a treasure chest in his office so that when a child is adopted they get to pick a toy out of it to feel more comfortable while in the courtroom on adoption day.

Judge Cherry says all of the children who had to forgo in-person adoption proceedings are welcome to stop by his office to pick out a toy once court is back in session.
As for the Parsons, they are just so happy that their family has been made whole now that Dominic is apart of it.
The Parsons family recently adopted their 2nd child, 7-year-old Dominic. While the family was not expecting to have the adoption conducted over video chat, they still had a beautiful ceremony that none of them will ever forget:
📸: Christopher Parsons— FosterMore (@FosterMore) April 13, 2020
“It’s still a happy day — we’re so excited,” said Tania.
The family is hoping to host a social distancing drive-by party.
“So, we got the word today Dominic’s adoption was changed to a conference call! He (well, all of us) are super bummed about missing out on the big ceremony at court. Angel loved her day and it made everything just feel so ‘official.’ We would like to still celebrate his day while maintaining social distancing,” Tanya Parsons wrote on Facebook.

“My plan is to have a Drive-by party! If you aren’t busy on April 1 from 1-3, and would like to drive by the house and HONK, WAVE, FLASH YOUR LIGHTS, just generally be LOUD, it would really make his day! Spread the word, the more the merrier! We will make sure he is outside!”
Learn more about the Parsons’ family story in the video below.
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