Twins are sometimes known for looking different from one another in the same way regular siblings do, but one Illinois-based mother was surprised to learn that her twins were born looking drastically different from one another!

Kalani and Jarani Dean were born on April 23, 2016, and much to the joy of their parents- Whitney Meyer and Tomas Dean- the two were incredibly healthy. However, the girls were part of a phenomenon called ‘biracial twins,’ which happens when the parents are from two different ethnic backgrounds and two separate sperm cells fertilize two different eggs.
This is incredibly rare! This only occurs roughly one in 500 among fraternal twins and one in a million when identical twins are factored in.
“At first when they were born, I wanted to believe it but it’s so rare I didn’t think it’d happen to my twins! But sure enough, they’re biracial twins!” Meyer explained to KHOA.
The girls are growing up healthy and are currently 9 months old. The girls are literally one in a million, and the result has made them little internet stars!
Working to ensure that both girls are treated equally, Meyer tells PEOPLE “… in this family, we don’t see color. Love is love.”
The love that these girls are receiving from their parents is incredible. While the two girls may not look the same, their bond and their family prove that they are in the best hands possible!
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[Source: PEOPLE]