Kids live their lives wishing they were older. They ask for grown-up gifts and pretend that they are thirty-year-olds trapped in the body of a child. These kids seem to believe that they are adults because their words speak louder than their actions.
1) He Did Nail It
This kid knows exactly what it’s like to be an adult. When you’re an adult, first things first, you’re tired all of the time. No matter how much sleep you think you’re getting, it’s never enough.
2) It’s Not Even A Lie
This kid could talk her way out of anything. She pushed her sister and tried to convince her dad that she just gave her a huge high five. One day, she’ll be a lawyer that we all love and hate at the same time.
3) That’s Enough Junk
This toddler cut his dad off by telling him he couldn’t have any pretend pizza even though it was offered. He brought out broccoli and I’m sensing a little bitterness. Oh, how the turntables, as Michael Scott would say.
4) Who Wouldn’t Sign?
To be honest, most adults want to do this. They need that affirmation but it seems silly to ask for it. Kids have no boundaries when it comes to being conceded, but this girl knows how to handle it.
5) It’s Any Day Now
This kid is far too young for the, “where do babies come from?” conversation and it shows. She thinks babies come from eggs and she’s not wrong, she’s just watched a little too much Animal Channel.
6) A Gentle Squeeze
This kid bit his brother, we all know it. But the way he tries to convince his mom that he didn’t do it the way that she thought makes us all question ourselves. Maybe he was just giving him a hug with his teeth.
7) She Will Have Money
Now this girl is going places. She doesn’t think a certain type of people should make the sandwiches, she just thinks that she shouldn’t. She sees herself as a manager and that’s probably what she’ll be.
8) Plot Twist
Some people have naturally loud voices, they just can’t help it. Well, this kid claims to be one of those people, he’s spent his whole life trying to speak at the same level as everyone else, which is a whisper for him.
9) She Ate A Baby!
The thoughts that go through kids’ heads really are horrifying. They can’t reason things out like most adults can. This kid was sure that pregnant ladies ate babies and that’s how they got pregnant.
10) Getting Stuck
Are you really four if you don’t get stuck at least once a day? Sometimes you try not to panic and get out yourself, but other times, you need to call for backup. This kid was calling out for help like his life depending on it.
11) Or The Pound Sign
This is the ultimate age test. Ask someone what they call that sign. Some say hashtag, others say number, while the rest say pound. This kid thought he sounded so smart but his mom knew at least three names for it.
12) He’s Just Daddy
His dad is either really proud or really ashamed. The kid learned to lock himself in his room after bawling the room out because that’s what his dad does. Let’s hope that doesn’t transfer to adulthood, no matter how relatable.
13) Before The Fire Nation Attacked
Poor kid is sure the world has come to an end and he’s not the only one. His parents tried their best but things translate a little more dramatically to kids. At least he’ll have some great stories and become a best-selling novelist.
14) Back In The Day
To be fair, the kid isn’t wrong. People did die quite early back in the day. But you know, insinuating that your mom is old is never a good idea, whether she’s 39 or 99. Just don’t do it. Although if you do, this might be your best bet.
15) Not A Floppy Disk
Now this is a funny way to think about it. It doesn’t matter how old the kid is, calling a newspaper a floppy iPad is hilarious. He came up with a new name because he didn’t know what it was called.
16) That’s Never Good
When a kid won’t answer your question, it’s never a good sign. This kid is using the, “I love you,” card to try to get out of trouble. This is a sign he is growing up way too fast and is finding new ways to work his mommy.
17) He Understands The Struggle
This kid knows firsthand that life is hard when you’re a baby, as he remembers what it was like. That’s why he talks to his little brother like he’s an old man with wise words to share with the young ones.
18) It Really Can Be
If you do it right, a whole cake can be a piece of cake. It’s just one piece as long as you don’t cut it. This kid is really going places because she can manipulate words to get her way without even lying.
19) Green Day Is For Old People
Sorry, guys, kids these days think Green Day is for old people. Don’t listen to them because Green Day rocks and everyone between the ages of 25 and 40 knows it. Do not talk that way about Billie Joe.
20) Kid Three, Man
Getting ready to go somewhere with three kids is a pain. It’s hard enough with one, but three means that there are three problems to take care of and you’re the one to take care of them. At least Kid 3 is living like an adult.
21) Another Sociopath On The Loose
Kids this age are just beginning to learn the art of manipulation. It isn’t pretty and it takes a strong parent to fight against it. But in the end, it gives you some funny memories and stories to tell the grandkids.
22) Way Back Then
The 1900s doesn’t feel that long ago for most adults, but to a kid, it was ages ago, long before they were born. This kid talks about the 1990s like they were the 1910s, a large gap for those who lived in the 90s.
23) Yay For Homeschooling
The year 2020 consists of a bunch of parents homeschooling for the first time. This mom somehow taught her kid that there’s a magical world where things we can’t see disappear to. This explains so much.
24) Asking So Much
It’s one thing to be awake, but to be awake and dressed is another thing. It’s hard to answer questions and get dressed, so this kid let her dad know just that. Sometimes it takes a kid to explain the simplest things.
25) Too Busy To Fall In Love
This kid has stuff to do, places to go, people to see. He doesn’t have time to fall in love. It’s a good thing he has his dad around to make sure and tell him that it’s not necessary. But is anyone going to tell him it’s going to happen anyway?
26) I Hope He Knows God
So the kid probably wasn’t worried about his soul, but rather was sure that he was old enough to know God for real. Although it sounded heartfelt, he was more than likely curious. Either way, the kid is an old soul.
27) Just Forget About It
Every magician wishes they knew this trick. Toddlers have the ability to make you forget what you saw, or at least pretend like you did. It’s hard to keep up with what the right answer is with them.
28) Quiet As A Mouse
This mom was trying to serenade her daughter but of course the kid wanted quiet time. She has likely heard the phrase from her mother on multiple occasions and decided to try it out for herself.
29) We All Know The Struggle
Some people use strong language and others do not. However, most people that do use it don’t do it on purpose most of the time. It’s just become such a habit that they can’t even help it anymore.
30) Sharks Don’t Share
I mean, again, he’s not wrong. Who doesn’t want all of the chicken nuggets? That 40-pack from McDonald’s, that’s a single serving, especially if you’re a shark. This kid sure does know how to get all the nuggies.
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