No matter how excited or ready we are to have kids, the process of actually raising them and taking them around town is always more challenging than you think it’ll be. While some days are better than others, not every day can be a good day—and it seems like the worst days happen when there are the most chores to do. Trips to megastores like Target, for example, can be particularly taxing—and it’s moments like these that a little extra patience and kindness can go a long way.
That’s why one story of kindness out of Pearland, Texas has spread around the internet so far recently.
The story concerned a young mother named Rebecca Paterson, mother to two-month-old Aiden and two-year-old Jacob.
It all started because Paterson was having a particularly rough day with her two children. Right after walking in the store, both of her kids started “having a meltdown” and were seemingly inconsolable. Things were so bad that Paterson was about to put her groceries back and get out of the store.
Fortunately, a kind stranger saw what was happening and decided to intervene.

The woman in question was Tiffany Guillory, another mother from the Pearland area.
According to Guillory, she was more than ready to help. “I said, ‘Go ahead and do your grocery shopping and I’ll just hold Jacob and talk to him.’” she says. “I picked him up, I put him in my arms and I talked to him in a soothing voice.” All told, Guillory walked around with little Jacob for about 45 minutes while Paterson finished up her shopping. At the end of it all, Paterson shared a photo of the encounter in a private Facebook group for Pearland area moms.
Although it started as a small story, it has since been picked up by various local news outlets.
According to Guillory, the entire thing was almost destined to happen and she was glad to be a part of it.
The story was picked up by KHOU 11, a local news station, where Guillory further explained what happened. “I just wanted to help,” she says. “God sent me there to help her.” Above all, this story is another great example of how a little patience can go a long way. Paterson says she’ll never forget the kindness she was shown that day. “I didn’t feel judged,” she says. “I had a helping hand and I needed it at that moment.”
Thanks so much to Tiffany for stepping in and helping out that day!
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