Many things that children do are funny. They keep saying things without caring if they’re politically correct, they do stuff you’d never think they would, and, of course, they interact with you more and more as they grow up.

One of the funny moments between parents and children is when they see mom and dad hug or kiss.
When this happens, many kids react in a negative way, expressing jealousy towards one of the parents.

According to experts, when a child gets upset when mom and dad show affection to each other, it could mean that they feel closer to one of their parents, or that they are craving attention.
Should parents surrender to the child? Should they stop showing affection to their partner just because this makes the child feel jealous?

David Code, author of To Raise Happy Kids, Put Your Marriage First (Crossroads; 2018), says no. Parents shouldn’t submit to the children’s will.
On the contrary, they should keep working on building a positive relationship image so that the children know that they’re growing up in a safe environment, surrounded by love and affection.
“By making a daily effort to value one another in front of the kids you can teach your children important lessons about intimacy, conflict, and balancing work and home,” Code says.

Still, this doesn’t mean that watching kids react to their parents’ signs of affection isn’t funny. Or that such videos don’t become viral on social media.
Erika Wallace has two children, and she sometimes uploads videos on YouTube showing moments of her family life. A few years ago, she uploaded a video of herself, her husband, and their son, Jameson, in which Jameson reacted to dad hugging and kissing mom.

The video has since gone viral with more than 3.5 million views, and it comes as no surprise since it is super cute.
As you can see below, Erika is lying on the couch along with her husband and son, and they’re all facing the camera. It seems that the whole thing has already started earlier, and that’s why Erika says: “Are we having a melt-down maybe? Can mommy cuddle daddy?”

Her husband is approaching her saying “Mommy cuddle daddy” and gives her a kiss, but then Jameson is flipping out and starts yelling “No, daddy, go away!”.
Then, the parents try to cuddle. At that point, the boy starts screaming and tries to separate them. Then, he puts his arm on mom’s face, making it clear that daddy is not allowed to approach her.

The couple then tries to distract Jameson by doing funny stuff. They are all having fun until daddy comes back to kiss mom again.
At that moment, Jameson puts his hand on dad’s face, as if trying to ward him off, while at the same time saying “No daddy, no! Go away!”

The funny video dates back to 2014, when Jameson was a toddler. Today, seven years later, Erika and her husband have launched another channel, “The Stella Show”, on which they upload funny family moments with their kids, Jameson and Stella.
Today, Jameson is a cute schoolchild, who we are sure must be laughing at his reaction in the older video.
Watch the funny video below.
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