Little boy confesses to bus driver that he has no pj’s for pajama day so bus driver comes to his rescue
Levi, who is usually very happy when he gets on the bus, wasn’t his usual happy self so when Larry approached him to ask him what was wrong he was surprised when the little boy began to cry.
Sasha Alonzo

Meet Larry Farrish Jr., a school bus driver from Louisville, Kentucky, who’s become a local hero for his extraordinary act of kindness.

Larry’s story, which has since gone viral, begins on a morning that seemed like any other, until he noticed something was amiss with one of his regular passengers, a little boy named Levi.

Peter Handke
Peter Handke

Levi, a first grader at Engelhard Elementary School, was usually the picture of cheerfulness, eagerly awaiting Larry’s bus each morning.

But on this particular day, Larry found Levi sitting on the ground, his head covered with a jacket.

Concerned, Larry approached him and asked, “Hey buddy, what’s going on? What’s wrong?”

Good Morning America - YouTube
Good Morning America - YouTube

Through tears, Levi revealed the source of his distress: it was Pajama Day at school, and he didn’t have any pajamas to wear.

This revelation struck a chord with Larry, who watched as Levi, feeling left out, took a seat away from his friends.

“I thought, ‘I gotta fix this,” Larry recalls, moved by the boy’s situation.

Good Morning America - YouTube
Good Morning America - YouTube

Determined to turn Levi’s day around, Larry completed his morning bus routes and then made a beeline for a Family Dollar store.

There, he purchased not one, but two pairs of pajamas for Levi.

With his mission in mind, Larry then headed to Levi’s school to deliver the much-needed pajamas.

Good Morning America - YouTube
Good Morning America - YouTube

The moment Larry presented the pajamas to Levi was nothing short of magical.

“You were hurting this morning, you were crying, so I got you these pajamas,” Larry told him.

Levi’s reaction was priceless – his face lit up with joy, and he hugged the pajamas close to his chest.

Good Morning America - YouTube
Good Morning America - YouTube

Thanks to Larry, affectionately known as Mr. Larry by the kids, Levi’s day did a complete 180.

Levi himself expressed his gratitude in the most heartfelt way: “I can tell Mr. Larry is nice and his heart is filled with joy,” he said.

“When he got me the pajamas, I did a happy cry.”

Good Morning America - YouTube
Good Morning America - YouTube

Larry, who has been driving buses for seven years and has previously worked as a correctional officer and a truck driver, believes he has found his true calling.

“It’s my passion because I get to build bonds with the children,” he says. “I truly love every minute of it.”

Good Morning America - YouTube
Good Morning America - YouTube

The story of Larry’s kind gesture spread like wildfire after Jefferson County Public Schools shared it on Facebook.

People began sharing their own experiences with Larry, praising him for his caring nature.

Comments like “Mr. Larry is the absolute best. We were blessed with him as our bus driver for 4 years. Top notch human,” and “Larry is the absolute best and kiddos know they are in great, caring, capable hands with him!!!” flooded the post, highlighting the impact he has had on his community.

Jefferson County Public School - Facebook
Jefferson County Public School - Facebook

Larry Farrish Jr.’s simple yet profound act of kindness not only made Levi’s day but also reminded us of the incredible difference one person can make.

His story is living proof of the power of empathy and the importance of looking out for one another, especially the little ones in our lives.

Learn more about Mr. Farrish and the impact he had on this young boy in the video below.

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