Little Boy’s Rant Melts Hearts When Mommy Leaves Without A Kiss
To be fair, Daddy eggs him on a bit – but this is so adorable I can hardly take it. <3
Kathleen Shipman

Whoever said that moms are perfect? I know it seems crazy, but every once in a while, we can make mistakes too!

A Florida mom named Diana Simos had to suffer the consequences after she made a big “no-no” when heading out the door for work. She had her keys – check. Grabbed her phone – check.

But the one thing she forgot to do was give her two-year-old Alex a kiss goodbye. So, dad picked up the camera to find out what the toddler had to say about it, capturing footage that’s left the internet’s heart in a puddle.

Facebook/Diana Simos
Facebook/Diana Simos

If you have kids you likely would do anything in the world for them. And how could you not? They’re the most beautiful things on this planet, which makes you want to cover them in kisses.

Diana too loves her children with all her heart. She even left work one day just so she could attend her son Alex’s soccer practice.

Unfortunately, Diana had to rush back. It’s not that she wouldn’t have loved to give her kids proper goodbye kisses, it’s just that “life happened” – and she accidentally left without doing so first.

Facebook/Diana Simos
Facebook/Diana Simos

After dad noticed that Alex was upset about the forgotten kiss, he decided to film his reaction.

The toddler is standing by his baby sister in her car seat when dad hits record. He tries to explain to dad what happened in the best way he can. He says, “mama and me,” then blows a kiss and shakes his head.

Ahh, Diana’s husband gets the gist – so he starts egging the little tyke on.

He plays into what Alex is saying and responds, “She didn’t give you a kiss… And she just went to work?”

The boy’s animated as he responds, “Yah,” shaking his arms. It’s like ‘Thank you Dad, finally someone gets me.’

Facebook/Action News Jax
Facebook/Action News Jax

Dad’s just getting started though. He asks his son, “What kind of a mama does that? You don’t know? Me neither!”

Alex is full of emotion as he continues his little “rant,” using his body language and trying to explain the story. Adorably he copies dad at the end, and exclaims, “Ahh, man!”

Facebook/Action News Jax
Facebook/Action News Jax

Diana’s husband made sure to show her the funny and heart-pulling footage.

Fortunately for us, Diana decided to post the video on Facebook along with the following caption:

“VOLUME UP!! • After Alexander’s soccer practice i was in such a hurry to get back to work and my baby Alex was very upset he didn’t get the proper goodbye. He had a lot to say and my husband got it all on video lol 😂 #brokemyheart #imadeituptohimthough #babyismad #icantstopwatching #lovemylittleman.”

Unsurprisingly, it quickly went viral with everyone falling in love with the sweet boy who was upset over his mama’s mistake. Even Good Morning America talked about it during their program.

Although Diana’s post has been shared thousands of times on its own, Action News Jax helped spread it further. Their version has been viewed more than 28 million times on Facebook in just over a week!

One person responded:

“She won’t make THAT mistake ever again……..even when he is High School!”

Another wrote:

“One of the top videos ever put on here! Shows the importance of parent to child relationship and the powerful personality of a 2 yr old. You are blessed indeed and a good momma–it shows in your son.”

Action News Jax
Action News Jax

Watch the full-clip for yourself below!

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Boy upset mom left for work without giving him a kiss

TOO FUNNY! This local boy was upset his mother left for work without giving him a goodbye kiss. 😂😍

🎥: Diana Simos

Posted by Action News Jax on Sunday, October 13, 2019

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