3-Year-Old Adorably Improvises Brownie Recipe
She is just too adorable. <3
Kathleen Shipman

Everyday activities can be a lot less boring when you have a little kid by your side. After all, kids are curious, funny, and you never quite know what they’re going to say!

Surely you’ve made brownies before. But have you ever had a three-year-old explain the directions to you?


Get ready, because little Josie is a girl who’s teaching everyone how to whip up a batch of the chocolate treats – and it’s simply adorable! So, put on your apron, pull out the Betty Crocker mix, and let’s follow along. Just know keeping a straight face isn’t required.

Meet Josie, or shall we say, mini Miss. Crocker?

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Josie’s sitting on the kitchen counter with her daddy, and they’re about to make up some Triple Chunk Supreme brownies. The three-year-old is in charge of reading off the directions from the back of the box.

First step first.

Looking at the little drawings and words, Josie explains:

“You get um, one step of a cup of full water. And then the second step is to crack, is to get um a cup of oil.”

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Okay, now what?

Before moving on to step three, Josie decides to start all over again with the directions. As they say though – measure twice, cut once! She says:

“One step one. Get um a cup of water. Second step is to get um, um, um, oil. And the third step is to crack a egg.”

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Check. What’s next, kiddo?

According to Josie, you’re going to need a “basket” for the next part of making brownies. Hmm, I never needed one before…but okay!

She explains:

“Then you get a big big basket. Then you get um frosting and then you put it in there. And then you get the sugar and then you put it right in there… That’s how you do it!”

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Dad wants to know what to do once the ingredients are all in the bowl.

Naturally, this means that Josie’s gotta start back at step one! She so cutely goes through the entire recipe again – but this time she whips through it. She then shows dad the back of the box, and it looks like she was on the right track. You go, girl!

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But where do you actually bake the brownies?

Dad quizzes Josie on where you put the brownies. She points to the oven, but he asks about the refrigerator, the microwave, and the dishwasher. The face Josie makes looking at dad is super funny. Even she knows dad’s ideas are nuts!

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How long do we have to wait for Josie’s special brownies?

According to Josie, the brownies only have to be in the oven for five minutes. YES! But once dad convinces her it has to be for longer, it goes up to 100 minutes. BOO! Fortunately, they settle on baking the brownies for 10 minutes (I can live with that).

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Kids can really crack you up listening to the things they come up with. When BuzzFeed asked their community members if they had their own funny stories – one person shared:

“My 5-year-old nephew had a cold and asked me for a drink. When I asked him what he wanted, he replied, ‘Dr. Pepper because it’s DOCTOR Pepper.'”

Someone else said:

“I asked my 4-year-old cousin what she wanted to be when she grew up. Her answer: ‘A clock face!'”

Pixabay/Francisco Lopez
Pixabay/Francisco Lopez

Watch the video below to hear Josie’s adorable instructions for yourself. It’s a good thing dad had the camera rolling!

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