We all know that little ones say the darndest things. Their genuine emotions coupled with their mimicking abilities create priceless moments for the adults around them.
Little Josie is no different. Nicknamed the D.I.T. (which stands for Diva In Training), Josie’s demeanor and attitude have gotten the internet roaring after being captured on video and uploaded to YouTube.

In this hilariously adorable video, little Mimi is showcasing her diva personality by refusing to talk to anybody. The only catch? She just can’t stop talking at all!
The little girl trudges around the room before settling in front of a wall and telling her audience:
“I’m not talking to you anymore cause I’m really upset that you’re talking to me.”
Although she seems adamant about her decision, she later reveals that she is fine with everybody, except her Aunt Mimi.
She tells them she’s upset because Mimi “said a bad word to me”.
The bad word in question? “Poop,” the little girl announces with disgust.

Josie’s audience feigns disbelief. “She did?” they ask with mock concern, egging the little girl on.
“YEAH. RIGHT AWAY,” she answers, placing her little hands on her hips.
She then gives (whom I would assume is Mimi) a penetrating stare.

In an interview with ABC News, Josie’s father Eric explains that Josie and her aunt Mimi share a loving relationship, “But the two are known to instigate each other, usually with hilarious results.”
As Mimi displays her diva attitude, her audience can barely contain their laughter— behavior which little Josie does not approve of.

“It’s not funny, Mimi! I told you!” The little girl yells, reprimanding her giggling aunt.
Despite the attitude, Josie’s behavior is a normal part of growing up. She is likely going through the primary socialization phase. This is a time where “a child learns the attitudes, values, and actions appropriate to individuals as members of a particular culture”, according to Boundless.
In Josie’s eyes, poop is a bad word and should not be tolerated.
Since being uploaded to YouTube in February of 2015, Eric’s video of Josie has been viewed over 8 million times.
The family has grown quite the following and have posted numerous other videos featuring the little Josie, including one popular video where the adorable 23-month-old is seen singing Old MacDonald Had a Farm.
It would be interesting to know whether little Josie’s attitude is copied from the adults around her or whether this girl developed the heart of a diva all on her own.
Check out the full video below!
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