Let’s face it, singing in the car is something that a lot of us do. It’s the perfect enclosed area where you can crank the music up and become the backup singer for your favorite artists – all without judgment. Well, as long as you don’t roll those windows down!
The toddler in the video below also likes to sing her heart out while riding in her family’s vehicle. However, she doesn’t actually need to hear music to do so. She just so happens to know the words to Queen’s mega-hit “Bohemian Rhapsody” – and one day her mom decided to capture her little performance on film.

“Bohemian Rhapsody” is a song from 1975 that took the world by storm, and it’s continued to gather new fans ever since.
Many of us love to belt out the British rock band’s tune and know a good portion of the lyrics. Yet, it’s also a six-minute song consisting of a variety of styles, including an opera segment. So if you miss some of the words, no worries, you’re probably not alone!

The girl in the clip is a cutie pie that’s young enough to be riding in a car seat. From a glance, you might think she’d be belting out nursery rhymes – and not Queen!
But as we know, sometimes little kids fall in love with the music their parents play in the car (a stage that doesn’t typically last). Likely, this kid heard “Bohemian Rhapsody” numerous times because of her mom or dad – and became a fan of it (attagirl!). Just wait until you hear how well she knows it by heart too.

Mom starts filming her daughter in the backseat as she begins singing the opera part of the tune.
The girl belts out the famous lyrics:
“I see a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango?”

Not only is it adorable hearing a toddler do so well with the head-scratching lines, but her facial expressions are priceless. You can tell she’s putting her all into the performance like she’s a mini Freddie Mercury!

When she gets to the “I’m just a poor boy” line, mom has to help a teeny bit. But all the woman has to say is “I’m” for the girl to jump back in.
What’s incredible is that she does a pretty amazing job with the words – all without having the actual song in the background. Even as adults that’s not always easy to do. Seriously, how many times have you heard “Bohemian Rhapsody,” kiddo?

Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” has achieved great success over the last decades and the video currently has more than 1.1 billion views on YouTube. According to Billboard, the song jumped back onto their “Hot 100 chart” in 1992 after it appeared in Wayne’s World, and then again with the release of the 2018 movie, Bohemian Rhapsody. No wonder even kids are singing it today!
But can this girl rock out?
When the toddler gets to the epic rock-and-roll portion of the song, she starts headbanging while doing her best with the words. There’s no doubt the late frontman would be proud of his young fan – she’s just that awesome.

While you’ve likely heard a variety of covers of “Bohemian Rhapsody” over the years – you might not have ever seen a toddler turn her mom’s vehicle into a concert hall with it.
Press play below to enjoy her rendition for yourself!
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