All kids go through a stage where they’re complete rascals – but they’re just so adorably funny that you can’t be mad at them when you find them causing chaos.
Whether it’s drawing on the wall, emptying out the trash or smearing chocolate into their hair, it’s like there’s a secret rule book that children follow when they feel like life is going a bit too smoothly.
What makes it so hard to shout at kids caught out is their guilty reactions.

Most toddlers take on a “wasn’t me” persona that any adult can see right through. What’s funny is that little kids genuinely think they’re doing a good job at acting guiltless.
One video of a guilty toddler that has been making the rounds of the internet was filmed and posted by MoranFamilyMoments.
Parents Karina and Ashton vlog the most interesting moments of family life, including Christmas and vacations.

They have two kids, son Addi and daughter Zalia. Zalia, being around toddler age, has reached the stage where she likes to experiment, much to her parents’ despair.
Nicknamed “the little artist”, Zalia has been using her home as a canvas, and this viral video in question documents her reaction when her mom catches her out.

When the video begins, Zalia is walking towards her mom with the evidence of her latest artwork all over her hands.
Mom, from behind the camera, says,
“Zalia, what did you do? Come here.”

The little girl innocently holds out her palm, and mom zooms in on the colorful mess all over her fingers.
It seems Zalia has no response to Karina, so she directs the camera to the hardwood floor, showing off Zalia’s creations.

There are black squiggles all over the floor, from one side of the room to the other. The walls, too are colored in black.
It’s every parents’ worst nightmare, especially in Karina’s case, as she explains that the pen marks won’t come off.

As for Zalia, she’s in complete denial that she had any involvement in the incident, despite having the evidence of her crime smeared all over her hands.
When mom asks her, “Did you do it?”, the little girl is quick to shake her head and say “no”.

Unfortunately, her hands say otherwise!
Despite claiming to be innocent in this particular household disturbance, Zalia is more than happy to help mom with the clean-up process.

While it’s easy enough for her to pack the marker pens away into a bag, removing the pen stains is another job entirely.
Thankfully, the little girl’s pens were designed for such incidents, and it doesn’t take too much scrubbing for Zalia to clean up the mess she’s made.

As for the walls, there’s no recording to show how the Moran family managed to remove the stains from there, but Karina did explain the cleaning process in the caption, writing:
“If you find yourself in a predicament like ours, get yourself some baby wipes (for your walls & floors) if it is covered in washable marker. We use Target Sensitive Skin Baby Wipes.”

Though her unconventional artwork is far from ideal, little Zalia is just too cute to be mad at.
Scroll down to watch the video of her super-guilty reaction to being caught out. Chances are, you’ll be able to relate all too well to this situation!
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