Little girl ups the intensity out of nowhere during outdoor workout with mom
I wish I had that much energy!
Ashley Brewer

There’s nothing quite like mother-daughter bonding time. And if it involves being active and getting fresh air? Even better!

A little girl named Indy May and her certified trainer mom Kristin like to do workout videos together and share them on their YouTube channel called Little-fit.

Mom-daughter fitness

Their videos on YouTube are to help other parents and their kids stay active while also having fun together. On their YouTube channel, they explain:

“Welcome to Little-Fit! where kids and parents come to get fit together. Juggling work, kids, and health can be a challenge at the best of times. This site is dedicated to helping parents and kids squeeze in a little bit of exercise, have a little bit of fun and become a little (or a lot) more fit!”

“Check out our workout videos from certified trainer Kristin and her little one Indy May. Find specific workouts and tips for TRX suspension training, TRX Rip trainer, Barre, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), Tabata, kettle-bell, weight training, or simple routines you can do right in your living room with no equipment needed.”

In this particularly adorable fitness video, Indy May is super excited to get active with her mom.


The Workout Begins

They begin to share a workout that you can easily do at home with your little ones. It requires three rounds of five exercises, plus a warm-up and stretch. No need to worry about barbells, straps, or other equipment.

The warm-up begins with a classic exercise — jumping jacks! Next up are some lunges, marching in place, jogging in place, and squat jumps. Now that their hearts are pumping, it’s time to move on to the workout.

Kristin explains to Indy May and the camera that each of the five workouts is performed for 30 seconds.


In and out squats – tired just looking at them!

The first exercise? In and out squats. Indy May stands on the mat with ants in her pants, looking very eager to keep moving. Looking up at her mom, they begin to perform the exercise, although it takes the little girl just a moment to figure out the coordination. So cute!

The second exercise they perform is a sort of ‘caterpillar crawl’ with a push-up at the end. This is clearly a move that Indy May has done before because she’s knocking this one out like a pro! She adoringly keeps her eye on mom the entire time to make sure she doesn’t miss a beat.

The third and fourth exercises are classic wide-legged lunges — each side. Kristin informatively explains how to properly do the move and Indy May replicates with perform form.


Picking up speed

The little girl wants to take things up a notch here and add in some jumps! Why not? If you have the energy, use it!

Lastly, the final exercise is back to plank position for mountain climbers. Both of the little fitness gurus execute the exercise with tons of energy and enthusiasm.

Once finished with round one, it’s time for the mommy-daughter fitness duo to perform two more rounds! And Indy May’s energy has NO signs of stopping.


Go hard or go home

During their second round of exercises, this is when Indy May seriously ramps up the energy!

Kristin reminds her that she needs to do 5 more of the caterpillar crawls with push-ups. Well…Indy May took that as “WARP SPEED!”

The little girl hilariously performs the exercise with incredible speed. The push-up has pretty much lost all of its form but it’s too adorable to care. And the jumps after each move? Explosive! Her mom compassionately cheers her on the entire time.


Final moves

By the end of the 17-minute workout video, it’s obvious that Indy May has exerted all of the energy she possibly could. She begins to slow down and can’t quite keep up with her professional mama anymore. Her sudden exhaustion is really quite adorable considering how energy-filled she was in the beginning!

Watch the precious mother-daughter workout video below and get moving with your kiddos!

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