An 11-year-old boy was ecstatic to find out that he was going to be a big brother to not just one baby, but two sweet twins. Sadly, his mother lost the babies while they were still in the womb.
Her son, along with the rest of the family, was understandably devastated by the loss. However, a Christmas miracle was in store for all of them.
“Our family lost twins in June 2016,” a mom shared on the Love What Matters Facebook page. “We all took it hard, but my son took it especially hard, not able to understand why this was happening when he wanted to be a big brother so badly.”
After over a year of trying again, the family was pregnant with their “Rainbow Baby.” It had been a long and trying 15 months, but the mom was excited to tell her 11-year-old about the wonderful news.
According to The Bump, “a rainbow baby is a baby born shortly after the loss of a previous baby due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or death in infancy. This term is given to these special rainbow babies because a rainbow typically follows a storm, giving us hope of what’s to come.”

The family wanted to surprise their son with the announcement of their ‘rainbow baby’ by wrapping up a picture of the sonogram in a box for him to open.
As the young boy begins to open the box, in typical kid fashion, he’s excited to tear into the colorful wrapping. At first, he plays around and says that his gift must be bubble wrap, but it’s not long until he realizes that the real gift is displayed in a picture at the bottom of the box.
The boy reaches the sonogram at the bottom of the box, and it takes him a minute to understand what he’s looking at — but then it hit him. When he finally realizes that his dreams of becoming a big brother are coming true, he absolutely loses it.

The little boy’s reaction to the ‘rainbow baby’ surprise brought everyone in the room to tears.
The full Facebook post reads:
“Our family lost twins in June 2016. We all took it hard, but my son took it especially hard, not able to understand why this was happening when he wanted to be a big brother so badly. After 15 months of trying again, we finally got pregnant with our Rainbow baby.
We told our son, by wrapping up a framed sonogram picture. His reaction was heartwarming and more than I expected. I couldn’t record anymore at the end. I had to go and sit on the floor with him, and cry together. This baby is going to have the best big brother in the world, even with an 11.5 year age gap. I have a feeling they will be the best of friends.”

Judging by the boy’s happiness and tears after the magical announcement below, it’s safe to say that he’ll be the best big brother ever.
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