Mad Gab Pregnancy Anncouncement
Jonathan Maes

“Eye mag own abbey aground mow there.” Admittedly, this phrase doesn’t exactly make a lot of sense. If you just read the words out loud, however, you can quickly see that the phrase is actually a clever code for “I’m going to be a grandmother.”

Ashley Hertzog
Ashley Hertzog

Ashley and her husband Mason Embry from Nashville, Tennesse found out they were expecting a child together. Ashley wanted to tell her mom Wendy, but she decided to do that in a somewhat funny and playful matter as she loves having surprises.

“I knew it would be more fun if we made it a playful announcement rather than a straightforward announcement,” Ahsley told to InsideEdition. “This is her first grandchild and I wanted to make it special.”

Ashley Hertzog
Ashley Hertzog

The couple invited the soon-to-be grandmother over to their place after they went out for dinner. Ashley immediately suggested that they’d play Mad Gab, a funny game where one player chooses a couple of cards with nonsensical words that form a phrase when they’re spoken out loud.

Ashley had created two of those cards herself for her pregnancy unveiling. Aside from the “I’m going to be a grandmother”, she also used the card “Hash lean may sonar Prague nut”, which roughly translates phonetically to “Ashley and Mason are pregnant.”

Ashley Hertzog
Ashley Hertzog

Wendy tried to make sense of the cards that she was supposed to read out loud but it took a couple of minutes before she finally realized what they were trying to tell her.

When she finally does, her reaction is absolutely amazing. Wendy goes nuts and starts screaming stating being overwhelmed by emotion and happiness. An equally as heartwarming as a hilarious reaction!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Ashley Hertzog
