Do you believe in chance encounters? They say that everyone we meet has a role in our lives.
For Taylor Fisher and her husband, this saying is true.
It was the first week of July.
Taylor Fisher, along with her husband Chris and their little boy Oliver, went traveling.

While they were in France, they met a sweet couple who agreed to take their family photo in front of the Eiffel Tower.
As we all know, toddlers aren’t exactly cooperative.
Especially when it comes to photos, so Taylor and Chris thanked the couple for being so patient with them.
After finally getting a decent photo, they said ‘thank you’ to the couple and continued their tour.

Chris and Taylor saw the man who took their photos again. He ran after them and it shocked them as they saw his face.
The man was in tears.
The man introduced himself as Scott, and he was with his wife, Sally.
He also said that he’s not a “creep” and if it was okay, he’d tell them something about himself.

Taylor and her husband saw how tears fell down his face as he told them that they have four beautiful kids.
Three of them were also in the park with their grandparents.
The fourth was spending his birthday in heaven.
According to Scott, July 1st would have been a grand birthday celebration for Duke, their little boy’s first birthday.

Scott went on.
He explained that Oliver reminded them of their little baby boy.
Even though he was a bit nervous, Scott politely asked Taylor and Chris if it would be okay to take Oliver to Mouse Gear on a shopping spree.
They wanted to treat Oliver on baby Duke’s first birthday.

As a parent, it’s normal to avoid these types of encounters, for obvious reasons.
Most of us would probably run away as fast as we could, right? But somehow, both Taylor and Chris felt Scott’s sincerity.
They also said that at that moment, their hearts were calm.
They were overwhelmed with peace from God.

“I handed my little boy over and watched as he held the hands of these two people whom my heart suddenly felt so connected with,” Taylor shared in a Facebook post.
Of course, they weren’t far.
She also said that they closely followed Sally, Scott, and their son, Oliver.
Taylor and Chris saw how Scott and Sally held little Oliver’s hand, and somehow, their child felt at ease with them, too.

All five of them went inside the store.
There, they saw how Sally took little Oliver’s hand, and carefully led him to the toy section.
Taylor saw how Sally’s eyes would turn from deep sadness to happiness every time Oliver smiled at her. She knew they made the right decision to allow Oliver to join the couple.
Oliver would point and pick up toys, and Sally would smile as the little boy hugged her while saying ‘thank you.’

Then the little boy faced Scott and said, “up, up,” and the man quickly picked up the boy and hugged him tightly.
The heaviness and pain in Scott’s face faded.
“Through an act of their own generosity, I witnessed a couple begin to heal from the grief and ache of losing something so dear.”

It was like having Duke with them again.
Through Oliver, Scott and Sally were able to shower their Duke with gifts, and clothes, and spent time with a little boy that reminded them of their sweet angel.
A closure they badly needed.

After buying Oliver many toys and clothes, all five of them stopped in the middle of the shop, and they all held hands.
They prayed.
“God’s presence was so real and we worshiped and praised him for his ultimate design, for it was only God who could have brought us together,” Taylor shared.

Before they bid each other goodbye, Sally told Taylor that she prayed for closure, and she believed that God gave her a beautiful gift.
God alone can bring the right people together at the right time to heal a broken heart. Hallelujah for that!
See Taylor’s original post in full detail below!
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