Hearing about reunions of family members after a very long time is not something that is completely new to us. But, imagine finding out that the child you placed for adoption 20 years ago turns out to be working in the same place as you are. Now, that’s a unique story.

Holly Shearer got pregnant at 15. Realizing she was not ready for the responsibility, she decided to place her son for adoption.

She was still pregnant but she knew what she had to do. As a teen, Holly was practically a child who was still learning about being responsible. She loved her baby, which is why she decided to place him for adoption so he could have a chance at a brighter future.
“He deserved a mother and a father, a home with a playset in the backyard that he can play on, a dog, all of those things I couldn’t give him,” Holly told KSL TV.

Back in 2001, on the day before Thanksgiving, Holly met a couple who were about to adopt the son she had at 15 years old. She knew their names as Angela and Bryan, but she never knew their last name.
It was a day of happiness and sadness for all of them. It was sad that Holly had to let go of her newborn baby, but she knew she had to do it for her son. The adopting couple was happy to have their child but also worried about the teen who gave them a chance to know how it is to be parents.
It was the best Thanksgiving Day for Angela and Bryan Hulleberg.

Angela and Bryan Hulleberg tried to conceive but they were not fortunate. They decided to adopt a child and they were blessed to be chosen by the teen mom who was about to give birth to a baby boy.
When she handed over the little boy, the couple was very thankful and ecstatic. The adoption was closed and they were finally going to be parents.
“We knew Holly loved Benjamin from the day she handed him to us,” Angela said. “She loved him with her whole heart and soul.”

That was twenty years ago. Holly is 35 years old, but she still could not stop thinking about her beautiful baby boy. And that boy is now a man, whose name is Benjamin.

Benjamin knew he was adopted, and like other adopted children, he longed to meet his biological mom. He tried to look for the woman who he only knew as “Holly”. When he turned 18, Benjamin started actively looking for his birth mom.
“I kind of grew up wanting to meet my birth mom,” the young man told KSL TV. “To talk to her and, more than anything, thank her because I knew that I had been given a really good life, full of opportunity.”
Benjamin was unsuccessful in tracking Holly down. But what he did not know was that the woman was also looking for him.

Holly was able to find the son she placed for adoption through Google. And for the next two years after that, the woman decided to observe him through social media. She saw that the boy she gave birth to was having a good life and a loving family, something that she is very happy about.
When Benjamin turned 20, he posted about how much he wanted to meet Holly. That was the moment when Holly knew it was finally time to step out of the dark and introduce herself to her son.
“You could just tell in his posts that he cares so much about everyone, his friendships, and his family,” Holly said.

Holly sent Benjamin a message for the very first time.
It was Benjamin’s 20th birthday, the perfect time for Holly to meet him and get to know him. She reached out to Benjamin by texting him with a message that read:
“You don’t know me, which is weird to have a stranger message you. Twenty years ago, I made the hardest decision of my life and placed my beautiful little baby up for adoption with a beautiful family. I have no intention of flipping your life upside down. I have thought about you every day and finally had the courage to send you a message. Wishing you a happy birthday.”
Benjamin could not believe his eyes. Was he really looking at a message from someone he longed to meet for so long?
They agreed to meet the next day. Together with Angela and Bryan, Benjamin finally met with his birth mother and it was the most memorable day of their lives.

An unexpected turn of events.
They all had dinner and as they talked about each other’s lives, Holly and Benjamin found out one incredible truth: they were both working at the same hospital!
Holly worked at the heart center while Benjamin was at the NICU. Who would have known that they were only feet away from each other all the while that they were searching?

Truly, we live in a small world. Holly and Benjamin are happy to finally get to know one another. Angela, Benjamin’s adoptive mom, is also glad for both of them.
“When we reconnected, it was just pure love,” Angela shared.
Holly was equally grateful and overjoyed for all the things the couple did for her son.
“Words can’t even describe how thankful I am for her,” Holly said. “She’s given Benjamin a wonderful life.”
Find out more about this incredible story by watching the video below!
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