Men and women sometimes have different ways of thinking. One’s not wrong compared to the other, but it’s fascinating to note the differences.
Of course, this can be chalked up to more than sex or gender – it can also depend on where, when, and how you were raised and all sorts of other factors.
We’ve largely evolved beyond the “women/men are naturally like this…” rhetoric, but it can still be fun to note our tendencies. It can also help us understand that we’re not alone in being annoyed by the things our partners or kids do when they’re the opposite sex!
1) Furnishing
Of course, some guys have great design skills, but plenty are happy with the bare minimum.
2) Packing
Then again, we’ve known more than one guy who just sticks one outfit and two pairs of underwear in a bag and calls it a day.
3) Colors
How freeing it must be to just see it all as “orange”!
4) Cat pics
And while guys love their cats, they’re more likely to want to memorialize them in ridiculous(ly awesome) fashion.
But let’s face it, we need all the cat photos we can get – and a wide variety too!
5) Holiday decor
Sure, women are crafty (and maybe a woman even made this)…actually, wait. It has a star AND garland. Are we sure this belongs to a guy?

6) Recycling
But who uses their collected stuff for weirder purposes?
All we’re saying is this guy using an old kid’s shoe as a phone holder seems to be in peak dad mode.
7) Organizing
Why pick up the paperclip? He clearly knows exactly here it is when he needs it.
8) Marketing
Frankly, we’d rather read the one on the left, but the one on the right is clearly designed to entice women. </eyeroll>
9) Bathroom antics
Sure, you laugh, and you take a picture and send it to your friends – but are you truly shocked?
And sorry guys, but if the toilet seat didn’t give it away, the broom in the bathtub did.
10) Longevity
And now we know why.

11) Solutions
Not every man is handy, but this one happened to be an engineer.
We’re not saying it takes a man to come up with this, but we’re implying just a little that it’s likely to stay this way for a while.
12) Contraptions
And we have to ask: what’s wrong with just buying a new one?

13) Girl stuff
For those still wondering, it’s the underwire of a bra. You’re welcome.

14) Checking on the ugly face
It’s a weird obsession, but also makes for some epic photos.

15) Selfies
Men’s selfies can be glamour shots as well (enough with the gym photos!), but they’re often delightfully obnoxious.

16) On sale
But apparently, this man loves a sale. And he only seems to see the sale sign when it’s one something he likes.

17) Dad puns
Women like them too, but more often than not, men reign supreme.
When a woman makes a gingerbread house, you better believe that it will have a picket fence. When a man makes one, well…

18) Crashpads
This is peak minimalism though.
Who gets the pillow when someone spends the night?
19) Cat Of The Month
But we’ll be honest, we thought this was a guy’s project at first for the sheer number of silly photos.
20) Shapes
Hopefully, future generations will do better at teaching women that their bodies are beautiful and don’t resemble fruit salads.
21) For later
This is just weird though.

22) The bump
Even the easiest hairstyle for women comes with a downside.

23) Vacation photos
When men take a vacation photo, it’s all for laughs.
Hey, they all create memories!

24) Unfair
We know it’s not the same for everyone, but this just rang true for us.

25) Snacks
Maybe it fell out of his pocket.
But who doesn’t notice their Slim Jim is missing?
What’s up with the half eaten slim Jim next to it?
— BIF WIFFLE (@BifWiffle) December 14, 2018
26) Nesting
Maybe a guy would do this, but it would be to show everyone his expert burrito wrapping skills.
That poor dog is so annoyed.

27) Babysitting
This younger brother is caring for his nephew – and he remembers all the right ways to push his sister’s buttons.
That bag interior better be clean when she gets home, dude!
28) Do-overs
But when they belong to a woman, you know that someone was just having trouble with their eyeliner.

29) Multipurpose
Men seem not to care much.

30) Jeans
It never fits properly, it’s more expensive, and it doesn’t last as long.
Then we have to rethink our entire lifestyle when we get this dreaded hole.
31) Fairy princesses
Then again, we do tend to pinkify everything princess and fairy-like.

32) Multi-tasking
But let’s be fair – we’ve seen plenty of guys find a way to keep their babies quiet while gaming.

33) Storage
If a man finds a hole in the wall, he considers it additional storage.

34) Brows
But taking an afternoon nap as a woman requires a lot of extra effort.
Not to mention that our brows are sacred. Even when we accidentally leave them on the pillow.

35) Aging
It’s not always a good thing, of course.
Is it a gift or a curse?

36) Just Do It
Women tend to downplay the little victories that they have. Even when it’s a bare-handed cactus transplant.

37) The Pain Of Long Hair
But since more women have long hair than men, it’s safe to say that this is more of a female problem than a neutral problem.
Most men can just get in the car without a second thought.

38) Longevity
Now that we have guys with man buns, maybe we’ll be able to find a decent hair elastic.
39) The chair
It emits the agony of thousands of men that have sat there before wondering just what to say when their partner comes out of the dressing room.

40) Heels
But this is going a little too far.
We know it’s true, so do we need to prove it?

41) The snarl
Long hair can be such a pain sometimes.
What do you think it’s like to never have to worry about that?

42) Sexualized
It’s a cartoon cat, for goodness sake.
Unless it’s going to give birth, it doesn’t even matter what sex it is!
43) Yardwork
But they also find creative ways of taking breaks.

44) Can opening
Women won’t give up. We’ll bust right through it.

45) Blisters
So, if you see her with blisters and flip flops, you’ll know what happened.

46) Parenting
Odd and great, that is. We’re mesmerized.

47) Sidekick
They really deserve some credit.

48) Options
To be fair, there are plenty of women who would see this is overkill. But find us one single man that doesn’t.
49) Stains
Although, we have to say, it’s not cool to leave an item like that.
50) Clutter
Is it just us or are computer cords particularly infuriating?
This wife labeled her husband’s cords and we find it simply relaxing to look at.
51) Boredom
But when men are bored, they find something like this to do.
No, its not universal, but we’ve just never seen a woman deep fry an action figure.
52) Playtime
Do you think this feline is having fun?
It’s hard to tell.
53) Toys
Or at least when they come across one they’re much more likely to display it.
54) Rigged
We’re never shocked when men create multi-purpose tools, but we’re often confused.

55) Sweet stash
That’s why sometimes you just have to get crafty and hide your secret stash in plain sight.
Hiding the @SNICKERS bars in the fridge inside a bag of edamame: Genius.
— Mark Pahlow (@mcpheeceo) July 29, 2015
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