Eerie Footage Shows Ghostly Face Beside Baby's Crib
I don't know what I'd do in this situation.
Britanie Leclair

Pregnancy should be one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life. For the women who experience miscarriage, however, this joy quickly dulls into grief and devastation. ‘Miscarriage’ is a term used when a woman’s pregnancy ends on its own within the first 2o weeks of gestation. Sadly, it is the most common type of pregnancy loss.


According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (via American, anywhere from 10 to 25% of all recognized pregnancies will ultimately end in miscarriage. Despite the prominence of the occurrence, “the reason for miscarriage is varied, and most often the cause cannot be identified.” In the end, however, miscarriage always results in heartbreak, grief, and pain for the parents.

Melissa Smith, from Toronto, Canada, experienced a miscarriage back in 2016— which she believes has led to a series of strange, paranormal events.

Smith, who is using a pseudonym, is a mother of two who experienced a miscarriage back in September of 2016. On the very same night she lost the baby, Smith says a child’s toy randomly turned itself off and started playing in the living room. Now, things have only gotten stranger from there.

It’s not rare for the family to find things misplaced or missing— often hearing noises that accompany its movement. “My husband and I were in the living room when we heard something drop into the empty kitchen sink,” she told Caters News (via Inside Edition).

“It was the lid of our son’s sippy cup, and my husband had previously placed it about a foot away from the sink— it made a very loud noise like it had been thrown.”

Although Smith has never believed in the paranormal, these odd events made her question whether something most mysterious was going on. On May 31st, however, she recorded video footage that removed every doubt.

That night, when Smith checked her daughter’s nursery camera, she was stunned to see a ghostly face staring at the baby.

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She immediately ran into the child’s room to pull her baby away from the figure, but when she got there, the room was empty— and she’s been dumbfounded ever since.

The bizarre incidents haven’t stopped for the mother, who said: “The same night the video was taken, I was responding to some of my friends’ messages about it when the lamp cord on my bed started to move.”

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Melissa was a skeptic when it came to the paranormal. But now, after experiencing these events for herself, her opinion on the matter has changed.

“I was a skeptic for the longest time, but after witnessing what I have, I have no choice to believe that my house has a ghost.”

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Smith isn’t the only mother to experience, what may be, a visit from their unborn child.

Karen Ewartf, 38, from Macclesfield, Cheshire, had been pregnant with twins back in 2010, but lost one before giving birth to her daughter Sadie. A few years later, when she took a picture to show off her garden renovations, she was stunned by what she saw.

The photo seems to show the legs of a little girl wearing pink pants. She’s sitting on the edge of the patio with her hands upon her knees. Although the mother was perturbed by the incident, she’s found comfort in the thought that it may be their lost twin coming back to visit.

Mercury Press/Caters
Mercury Press/Caters

What do you think of these “ghostly” images? Were these parents visited by a beloved spirit— or was it all a blatant hoax? Do you think there’s some sort of explanation, like dust in the air or coincidental shadows? Be sure to let us know in the comments.

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See the creepy video below!

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